Escape the Night
Escape the Night
TV-14 | 22 June 2016 (USA)
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  • Season 4 : 2019 | 12 Episodes

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    Micah Lloyd

    Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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    Ezmae Chang

    This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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    Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

    Staci Frederick

    Blistering performances.

    Tyler Johnson

    when I first found this show on YouTube red I became completely obsessed with the show.I watched the first season in three days and I am loving season two of the show even more than season 1. this show is different from any other show because it isn't scripted at all and the youtubers are actually doing it themselves which I did really cool! Great show joey!

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    I love this show so much! It is great great great great!!!! It's awesome! You get to see your favorite youtubers battle it out and actually die. Yes, in this show, unlike any other youtube red show, people die, and get killed off, and never come back in the season. It is so underrated! The ratings for the episodes on IMDb (besides the freak show episode.) are so much lower than what they should be. They should be up in the 8s or 9s. Since I love this show, and there isn't much left to talk about, I'll just show you my top 13 rated episodes.(so far.) 13. The Masquerade Ball Part 1 12. The masquerade Ball Part 2 11. Tangled Web 10. Freak Show 9. Did Someone Call For An Exorcist? 8. An Invitation 7. All Out War 6. Mermaid Tails 5. Mannequins 4. Betrayal At The House On The Hill 3. Wicked Hallucinations 2. The Ungodly Machine 1. Buried Alive. Now here are my top 10 saddest deaths. 10. Jesse: His death was quick and not discussed much 9. Lauren: What made this sad was when Alex cried. 8. Andrea: Her death was quick, and she wasn't on the show for long. 7. Glozell: Her death was just too funny. 6. Matt: His death was sad, but he was kind of a jerk throughout the season. 5. Shane: Although he wasn't on the show for long, his death was 15 minutes long, and he was in pain for a while. 4. Sierra: Her death was supper quick, so she probably wasn't in any pain, but it wasn't supposed to happen so that sucks. 3. Timothy: His death was super said, because he had to do it himself. 2. Lele: Hers was super sad, because she was in pain for almost 30 minutes before she died, which really sucks. But the thing is, she made it really far, and she voted for herself. 1. Justine: The thing about Justine's is that she was betrayed by pretty much everyone but Joey and Matt. Everybody wanted her dead. And, she only made it to episode 3. Anyway, I got off track real fast there, so that was my review.

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    This series is a mixed bag. It can be fun at times, but it can also be really flat. To begin, all of the characters are invited to a dinner party at the house of Joey Graceffa. In order to attend, they must dress up and act like they're in the 1920s, then travel by some sort of special car that is never really explained, and only really serves to be blown up in order to keep them from escaping. Each one of them is given a different character, for reasons that are never really explained. Timothy DeLaGhetto is the only one who strives to stay in character, with Ou White and Glozell Green making the occasional references to their respective characters. And while we're on the subject of the characters, Joey Graceffa is unbearable in this. I don't watch his videos, so I don't know if this is what he's normally like, but in this series his character is constantly either complaining or whining, and it drives me insane. Most of the other characters are okay, and I enjoyed watching Timother DeLaGhetto and Matt Haag, I personally found them both to be quite entertaining. If you can get past episode one, the rest of the series is better. The acting does leave a lot to be desired, but keep in mind this is Youtube, albeit Youtube Red. The story can fluctuate between tolerable and childish. For example, the clues are left behind by a group called, "Society against Evil". Really creative name there guys. Although the twist at the end is pretty good, it's kind of frustrating watching the antagonists in the final episode, they're intentionally incompetent for no reason. Just through a cardboard box over yourself whenever they come close and you're good. And having the bad and the good mixed is just a staple of this series. Some of the special effects are nice to look at, especially some of the makeup and costumes. However, some of the CGI just looks really childish, for example the black clouds in the Exorcism episode. And the script is interesting in that parts of it feel scripted, while other parts don't, leaving you unsure about how to feel about the event that just occurred. One of the only major complaints I had with the series, apart from Graceffa's performance, is that it seems to have a couple sexual scenes that don't really need to exist, or could be toned down. This includes Episode Three's "Sex Scene", Episode Four's "Perverse Game", and depending on how you view it, Episode Seven's opening flashback. Personally I thought Seven's scene was fine, but Episodes Three and Four had some content that wasn't really necessary for the series.Overall, if you think you would be interested in a Survivor/Twilight Zone mashup, and you have a free trial to Youtube Red, I'd check this series out. It's not great, but it can be entertaining at times, and I think with a little more direction and a better story, it could have an extremely strong season 2. Even without changes being made, I thought the series was enjoyable, and I would watch a second season. 6/10, with the Potential to be a solid 8 or 9 out of 10 if problems are examined and fixed.

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    Escape the Night is one of the best YouTubeRed series out right now. A lot of people say that "oh, this why YouTubers shouldn't act" but escape the night doesn't have acting. If you watch Joey's videos then you will know that the only acting was in the first episode when Shane talked to the maid and that's it. Joey said that he wanted this to be a game for him and his friends. Meaning that the YouTubers had no idea what to expect so it's not acting. Overall Escape the Night is an amazing show and it lets you see all of your favorite YouTubers get together and play this game. If say that "oh, how could Joey play if he helped create it? Isn't that unfair?" Again, if you watch Joey's videos he says that he stepped back from the puzzles creation because he wanted to play as well. Escape the Night is an amazing show with suspense, mystery, horror, and a little comedy here and there.

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