| 03 February 1991 (USA)
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  • Season 4 : 1992 | 26 Episodes

    EP5 It's A Complicated, Confusing, Frustrating, Yet Wonderful Life Nov 29, 1992

    EP8 Life...Or Something Along Those Lines Dec 20, 1992

    EP17 Start Another Big Riot Feb 21, 1993

    EP18 Cheatin' Trouble Blues Feb 28, 1993

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    Slow pace in the most part of the movie.


    Best movie ever!


    This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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    a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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    Okay, the writing wasn't great, and the acting was what you'd expect from middle-schoolers. But the story lines did resonate with kids. The production values were poor and the cast tiny because the show obviously had a very small budget. One or two other reviewers mentioned that the cast were playing people their own age, which I thought was fantastic. (I can't even watch "high schoolers" who are pushing 30; how lame is that?) One thing I did not see mentioned is that I don't believe the show ever had an adult in any scene. (Budget? Not wanting to show up the kid actors? Or brilliant effort to make the show unique?) That was a stroke of genius, and I think it helped the show a great deal. Just as in real life, these kids were working out their problems themselves in their own half-baked way. The comparison with dopey sitcoms like "Saved by the Bell" and overproduced crapola like "Glee" miss the point. This was an attempt to do something on the edge, something that spoke to real people on a level deeper than entertainment. It was a success, and that's why people remember it.

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    I use to watch this show. This show use to be on Nickelodeon. They were in high school. All I remember is that Ryan Renyolds character was an alcoholic. OH and his girlfriend on the show was the blonde girl who was the alien in The Faculty, when she talked she sounded like she was whispering, it drove me nuts. REmember the other show when you said water they would dump water on you and when you said I Don't KNOW they would dump slim on you. I don't know if i have another two line left in me. I just wanted to write a quick review ya know. So this is the eighth line. The next line (this one) will be my 9th. So I only have one more to go. The END

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    I was talking to my nephew about bad television shows the other day when this one came to mind. I remember watching it with friends in junior high just to laugh at how stupid and badly-produced it was. All I can really remember is a character named Dylan (who was supposed to be a rebel) and Dylan's ugly girlfriend. Why were so many characters named Dylan in the early nineties? What a stupid name.Anyway, in one episode, Dylan plays the guitar down at the local "teen scene"/maltshop place. They seem to have actually let the actor play...and he was HORRIBLE. He made several grating, audible mistakes and they just LEFT THEM IN. No post-edit! And, when the actor finished, the audience clapped and cheered. I remember laughing and laughing at this episode. And talk about wooden acting! Oh! They had the obligatory "anti-alcohol" episode. And one kid had to pretend to be drunk. Oh, God! I'd give anything to see this show again! A+ for camp, F- for quality.

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    Sonya Woods

    I have to agree with another person's comment, I also would like to see re-runs of fifteen since it's been a very long time since I've seen it. Fifteen deals with everyday teenager problems. From drinking to bullying. I also agree that there should have been a few more characters since it was mostly at school. Please let me know if you are ever going to show it again. I will record it next time so I can always cherish the show.

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