TV-MA | 04 October 2012 (USA)

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  • Season 1 : 2012 | 8 Episodes

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    Some things I liked some I did not.


    Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.


    Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.

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    It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.

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    While roaming Amazon for something new to view, we came across Hunted. Thoroughly enjoyed it. The acting was superb, as was the writing and production. What a shame it never got picked up. But, it's never too late, eh? Maybe some production company will bring it back -as long as the main cast members want to participate.

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    I agree with all the kudos other reviewers have made regarding this series. Good characters, action, suspense (stretching credulity a bit at times), and well acted Why only a 7? The conclusion is totally not credible. An absolutely unbelievable action occurs with no hint of forewarning and no explanation of the how this happened and the final scene. I can only surmise it was expected to have a second season where all would be explained. However, this appears not to be the case rendering the "willing suspension of disbelief" unable to cover. The manner in which this occurs is too far fetched to be forgivable. Very disappointing as I enjoyed it until then.

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    Jeff Isles

    ++May contain Spoilers++I will keep this brief. As i don't write a lot of reviews. I recorded this and within a year i have started watching it from Ep1 for the 3rd time. Usually unheard of for me. As i seldom watch anything twice yet alone 3 times. The series is fantastic i believe from start to finish. It is intelligent writing, intrigueing plots & compelling viewing. I am familiar with Melissa George as she is an Australian so i have seen her face a few times on some Australain shows. But this is for sure the best work i have seen her do. If she left Australia to improve herself then she has done that. I was quite surprised to see only an average rating of 6.9 on IMDb for this show. I love it. I love the plot, the intrigue, the interwoven themes. I also am a love or Spooks and the term Hourglass is mentioned in a couple of episodes of Spooks - and it is as if this whole show is an extension of other operations in Spooks - this operation taken a life of its own. It is quite clever how the two shows inter-relate.I do hope this production team and writers put out a series of these shows.

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    Solid series for lovers of Spooks and similar series of the genre. A slow build up of so many unanswered questions over the previous 7 episodes make the final episode (8) a "must see" - so many unanswered questions. However, I was extremely disappointed by the final episode. Perhaps 10 episodes would have been sensible. The writer/s simply lost the plot, so much so that I joined IMDb to air my view. It is hard to comprehend that the same writing team constructed the previous 7 episodes.No spoilers, but so many questions and mysteries raised in the prior episodes is answered in episode 8 which takes place over just a few days in episode story time. Unlike Spooks and others, the outcomes were predictable, not a single twist and some important questions are left unanswered (frustrating? Yep).E08 is simply a bombardment of answers on plot and previously unclear character backgrounds and provides far too much information to remain plausible, or for the viewer to absorb in a single episode without feeling let down. It felt like the writers were instructed to "Kill this, and make it fast!"I sat down to watch E08 thinking "I hope this runs for another season". After it was finished I stood up thinking "What an implausible dud, so glad that's over!" If you are a fan, you will want to watch E08, if you intend watching or buying the entire series on DVD, then maybe best to save your time and cash. Episode 8 - 2/10, Series - 5/10

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