Lush Life
Lush Life
| 09 September 1996 (USA)
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Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??


The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Scotty Burke

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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It's been eight years and I am still aching over the loss of "Lush Life." Wonderful characters, struggling urbanites getting by and sharing a cramped but colorful studio apartment in the city. Hysterically funny situations. "Lush Life" was canceled after the first episode, and only three episodes ever aired. I wish I taped them. Did you? Can we work out a deal? This was a truly original and hilarious show. I loved the episode where all their gay friends are trying to pose as Margot's boyfriend to ward off her ex. Or how 'bout when George fakes her own death so her paintings will sell for more money? This was way funnier and way more realistic depiction of being young and poor in the big city than "Friends" or "Sex and the City," two shows that honestly blew.

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This show had a great feel about it, and it was pretty funny. The characters were all vastly different but played on each others differences very well. I came across a few episodes I had taped in my youth and was saddened that this show never got the kind of run it deserved.Petty and Parsons had wonderful chemistry with each other and the rest of the cast. They really had something they could have built on, too bad it never got a chance.

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This was Lori Petty's first role after Tank Girl, and it really shows. The show was too sharp, too shocking, and way to unconventional for the viewing public. Pity. This one had real potential to break some new ground. Even the pilot was hilarious. Sadly, the pilot made up a sizeable percentage of the entire run of episodes.

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I too, was really sad when this show was cancelled. I think Lori Petty is so funny and this character fit her well. My favorite episode was the 2nd one. It seems that every time I really like a show, it gets cancelled (ie: Party Girl, the Magnificent seven, Now and again) I wish there was a network station on cable that showed cancelled shows like Lush Life, Shows that weren't on that long.

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