Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
TV-14 | 25 November 1989 (USA)
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    Excellent, Without a doubt!!

    Rosie Searle

    It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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    Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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    A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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    Hi, there. I'm a Brit - and it's a bit lonely being a fan of this wonderful show over here. I wouldn't say MST3K is unknown in the UK - it did air on the sci-fi channel (as it was called here) in the late 90's - but it is certainly little known, and that's a shame. I do what I can to spread the word. I caught a few episodes back when it was first screened and was intrigued by the premise, while also finding it very funny.Having read some of the negative reviews on here, which call fans and the comedians who did the show "Morons" "Drug Addicts" etc, it seems to me to be an excuse for the usual bunch of haters to round on something they despise or don't get. When you use terms like that, you've lost the argument. You either get this show or you don't - fair enough if it isn't funny to you; but to bandy insults around like "Moron" to those who enjoy it is a case of Freudian Projection writ large, I'm afraid.I will answer one criticism: sure they occasionally chose inappropriate movies to riff on. Phase IV, etc, which are really good films - yeah I get that. But if you can't laugh at yourself and the things you love now and again, then you need to lighten up. "Why so serious?" It's clear the writers and performers on this show have a deep affection for cinema. And Mike Nelson's follow up Riff Trax makes fun of modern big budget movies in exactly the same way. So there.I really love this show. I love the laid-back Joel Hodgson years, those wiseacre robots Crow and Servo, Dr. Forrester and T.V.'s Frank and I love the Mike Nelson years, too (although I still have a fair number to see of the latter.) The style changes; the voices change, but the show stays extremely funny. Best episodes for me so far.Manos The Hands of Fate - proof that there are movies out there worse than Plan 9. I want a Torgo T-shirt!Monster A-Go-Go. Ditto. These two deserve special mentions for being the two worst movies I've ever seen with utterly hilarious riffs.Pod People. Mitchell. Space Mutiny. Daddy-O, which has possibly my fave song "Hitch your Pants Up".Haven't seen Puma Man yet. Can't wait!I really wish I could buy these on region 2 DVD, to reward the guys behind this show with some of my hard earned cash - sadly, I'm having to watch You Tube. I'm delighted the show is coming back, and lets hope it keeps up the standard. Keep circulating the laughter...

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    What's so hilarious about a show that criticizes low budget films? With the comments so supposedly clever that idiotic fans label the show "genius" and the "greatest show, ever...", etc. MST3K is the TV equivalent of idiotic trash like the Howard Stern radio show. A bunch of morons sit around and make fun of, whatever, without taking a good look at themselves. Taking pot shots at low-budget films is no big deal. The morons who embrace this show have no imagination and have to have someone make the remarks for them, so they can feel superior. If MST3K took on the big, so-called "important" films, like ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN, THE COLOR PURPLE, ARMISTAD, anything by Woody Allen, Robert Redford, Spike Lee, etc., then I could respect them. Making fun of a low-budget film on a televised show, is the TV equivalent of a bully picking on a 98 pound weakling.

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    well there isn't really much of a plot to this show. its about Mike Nelson trapped on a space ship with his robot friends and a evil scientist sends him and his robots old cheesy movies usually ranging from the 60's and 70's and throughout the movies the robots and Mike comment on it.i never watched this show when it was on TV during the 80's and 90's. i never really heard of it until i was dating a girl that sat me down and we watched it and i couldn't stop laughing even at the cheesy jokes during the movie. since i got netflix its made it easier for me to watch other episodes of it and some late nights i do.if you are in the mood for a cheesy movie and cheesy robots giving funny commentary then check it out. its worth it.

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    This is an example of how many Beavis and Buttheads actually have too much money and power.The idea is the same lame idea that drunks, crack heads, and deadheads have been harping on ever since movies were shown. Their intense hatred makes them hate to see people have a good time, watching great science fiction.So they call the best science fiction movies ever, classics like FIRST SPACESHIP TO VENUS, "bad" movies. End of their credibility, but it doesn't end there. They take the entire golden age of science fiction and let you think you are going to watch the films, but instead, they just keep talking through each film, making comments that make no sense.If they would do this for the stupid science fiction movies of today, like the Terminator series, it might make sense, but it would still just be hateful for those who want to see the movies.It just goes to show which type of people have the most hate in them. Very pathetic. No one wants to hear these talentless, boring drug addicts whine during a movie, whether the movie is good or bad, and there are a few bad ones, but very few.It also proves that Beavis and Butthead were not a myth. I met plenty of them. Their underlying theme is pure hatred, and that's all they want. This trash is purely for psychotic control freaks, period.

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