| 26 January 1985 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 1985 | 8 Episodes

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    I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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    Surprisingly incoherent and boring


    Purely Joyful Movie!

    Aubrey Hackett

    While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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    For it's time it was a interesting show. It tried to center on different cultures (the zones) and show its weaknesses and straights. Too bad that it didn't get the time to grow to a show with a lot more potential. 8 episodes isn't much time to get the actors and the idea (which is more complex than it originally anticipated: showing a lost in space idea on earth.) to such a degree that they are able to get the message across about different cultures. Maybe it is best to compare it for a bit with sliders. Sliders tried the same concept and shows that such a series can get a solid audience. In all a show worth watching so you can get an idea how a little idea can form a basis for a nice TV series. (the music is also worth mentioning: if you'voe heard it once, you will remember it forever. great music for it's time!!)

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    If Otherworld had gone into production 5-7 years later, it might have enjoyed a long run and been regarded as a classic of the genre.The series revolved around the Sterling family, Hal, his wife June and their children, Trace, Gina and Smith, who while touring the pyramids of Egypt, found themselves whisked to the "otherworld," a parallel world with pockets of civilization or provinces, separated by a forbidden zone where only the "Zone Troopers" are allowed to travel. All this is ruled from the capitol province of Ymar (e-mar) where a portal back to Earth was said to exist.What follows in the 8 filmed episodes are the adventures of the family as they travel from province to province, on a journey to Ymar, always hounded by Kommander Nuveen Kroll, the sadistic Zone Trooper leader the Sterlings ran afoul of upon their arrival.Created by Roderick Taylor, a musician, Otherworld always maintained a surreal quality with music and effects, where everything is just off kilter, maintaining the feeling of another reality. Each province had it's own character, from a colony of androids to a repressed 50s style city, ripe for the introduction of Rock n' Roll.There was no resolution to the series which disappeared after the last (and best) episode, "Princess Metra" faded out with the Sterlings continuing their journey home. This was a surprise, since Taylor had said in interviews, the network had commissioned 13 episodes, even describing a couple of upcoming episodes but apparently canceled before the full production run.Still, there are rumors of several lost episodes that were never broadcast. So, who knows?Too bad CBS never gave the series a fighting chance, choosing to bury it on Saturday nights. Stories were always, well written, entertaining and pro-family. Repeated often was the refrain that family was always the Sterlings main strength. Otherworld might have found a bigger audience with more promotion and a better time slot, but, in my opinion would have found great success in the kinder, gentler television of the 90s.

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    I saw this show when it was on, for it's very short run, when I was a little kid, and even then I could see the huge plot holes.A "typical American family" touring Egypt finds a local boy who offers to show them an unauthorized tour of the Great Pyramid, on the day of an eclipse, and the boy suddenly stops in the middle of the pyramid and demands more money. When the family refuses, he extinguishes the light and leaves them alone in the Pyramid, where the eclipse happens and they are mysteriously sucked through into another dimension/world.Now, at this point it seems vaguely akin to Sliders or Stargate SG-1, which treated the concept of other worlds and ancient Egyptian space/dimensional travelers much better, however here comes the big problem.They are barely arrived in this new dimension, where they land in a huge desert with a single road going through it. A futuristic car drives up and out of it comes some strange official-type person, who tries to arrest the family and is quickly beat up, looted of some strange crystal, and the family flees.Apparently this official was a very, very high ranking leader of the "Zone Troopers" this world, and that crystal was a huge, powerful command permit that gives its wielder nigh-unlimited authority over the computer and governmental systems of this world, which turns out to be huge set of vastly different "zones" with different cultures and peoples, all policed by the "Zone Troopers". Also throw in some bit about how they are trying to go home by following a series of obelisks that have the "eye in the pyramid" sign found on US Dollar bills on them that leads to a mysterious capital city they hope can send them home.This is all in the first 10 minutes of the pilot. This leader will be a recurring nemesis as he follows them trying to get his crystal back, but like Colonel Decker of A-Team fame, he's always 3 steps behind.Now, in one of the episodes the son does poorly on a test at school and is promptly drafted into the Zone Troopers. Bad, but it's worse when he finds out that conscription is for life, unless he can excel at the training program so well he's made an Officer and is allowed to resign immediately.Suddenly, that crystal goes from being able to shut down massive power grids, rewrite any computer file, open any lock, override any command, and being nigh-godlike in the system to being ignored. The dad just says something about "I can't use that to get you out of every little problem you get yourself into, you have to take care of these things yourself." The dad just arbitrarily decides to let his son be drafted, probably for life, on an alien world just because he failed a test at school, and decides not to use the plot-device uber-permit (mainly because it would completely shortcut the episode) but it makes the dad look like a real jerk.So the show sets up that the main characters don't have to worry about the bureaucracy of the new world they find, which they decide to arbitrarily ignore early on, and make the main characters look either incompetent or uncaring. They couldn't make it 8 episodes without completely backpedaling on one of the main concepts of the show?

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    While the show is now only a fuzzy memory to me, I can vividly remember loving it. It had an interesting concept. It is unfortunate it was not given time to make at least some type of a mark in TV history.We should start a letter writing campaign to CBS to get the show back on the air. If we succeed, I am sure we can make also make it into the Guiness Book Of World records.

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