Sin City Saints
Sin City Saints
| 23 March 2015 (USA)
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Seasons & Episodes
  • 1
  • Season 1 : 2015 | 8 Episodes

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    This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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    Ezmae Chang

    This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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    I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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    Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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    It has all the elements of a show I would love: 1. Vegas 2. Wacked out rich guy 3. Sports 4. Hot chicks.Unfortunately the writing and story lines are so bad, after 3 episodes I had to stop watching it.All I can say is painful writing. I can't really comment on the acting as even Al Pacino couldn't rescue this dog.Too bad they couldn't be bothered with paying writers for this, as the premise is quite promising.And Tom Arnold now just seems to play caricatures of himself.Yahoo might want to give this one a rest.

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    I was very impressed with this shows professional feel and the team, court and Vegas looked great. I liked the cast and thought Santino was great in the lead, and I loved the pro basketball players making cameos as actors. The actors played their roles great. The episodes were funny and smart and if you like the nba, like I do, I really don't see how you wouldn't love this show. The story's are stuff you could hear on sports center and the characters, even minor ones, grow on you every episode. I really hope it comes back for season 2.Overall I'm giving this show a ten in hopes it helps people watch it, because it definitely is worth watching. The episodes are only twenty minutes long and I watched at least half of them on my phone. I was very impressed with yahoo on this one and it might make me watch something else by them in the future.

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    The foundation of any story is the screenplay. The skeleton is the dialog. The actors have to build out from there. If you have any actors. Which this series does not.If you begin with a failed screenplay, the foundation cracks and the whole thing is subject to collapse. Now in this case, the cast is left with little to work with on top of this shaky foundation because the dialog is nothing short of an abomination."You want me to live in LA? The land of misspelled tattoos?" "Are you suggesting that because I am divorced I failed in my marriage?" D-U-H! Scene: Two bikini clad bimbos enter stage left background. (Why? Who knows? Because they are in bikini swimwear I suppose.) Ball player center stage in close up says something to the effect of "Wait for me!" Stands and exists stage right after bimbos. He reveals his bare butt.Was I supposed to be titillated? Or is this just another hopelessly cheap diversion from -- telling me a story?!?! (And there's nothing particularly spectacular about the butt anyway.) Oh there's more. A lot more. And it's just bad. Save yourselves.

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