Star Trek: Discovery
Star Trek: Discovery
TV-14 | 24 September 2017 (USA)

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    This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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    I don't know what the hell this is. I watched all of the Star Treks, but this is the first one that looks like Tokenism on steroids. There's nothing but obvious forced inclusion & representation. They didn't care about actual acting talent, just cast people based on their race, not talent. Previous Star Trek's didn't have this forcing of SJW content in it, just for the sake of it being there. The writing is horrible. They're more concerned with this show being a conduit for progressive concepts rather than just being thought provoking sci-fi meant for escape. Instead of escape, you're just reminded of all the modern SJW crap you see on the news. It's like a sociology graduate from UC Berkeley or UOT just shoved all the crap the SJW crap he learned at school into this show. I tried. I really tried, but this is not Star Trek. I have no idea what the hell this is. It think this was made for people who are not fans of Star Trek, but people who just graduated from a hardcore leftist college. Some dude will probably rea this and think I'm racist. Nope. Captain Sisko is my favorite Captain of all the star-ship Captains, he was a brilliant actor.Thanks a lot all you SJW's for ruining Star Wars and now Star Trek. You really suck. *sigh*

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    Forget everything you ever imagined or figured out about a STAR TREK series. The liberal LBGTQRST version has arrived. From the network the gave us a lesbian romance on their Family channell on CHRISTMAS DAY 2012 comes their version of Star Trek. They've touched all the bases from gay to evironmental doom. I hug bunnies and trees like the next person and a person' orientation is none of my business....but come on guys..this is Star Trek. Lines are barely deviverable..need more rehearsing. music, graphics are all 3rd rate. These guys are way too advanced for a pre Kirk timeline, and this whole business of a microbial thread holding the universe together getting threatened ....well. speaks for itself. Klingons?? they look like the alien in Enemy Mine not Warf. Thank goodness I didnt use up my free week....removed the channel from my Roku and the all from all devices.

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    Danny Broekhuis

    This show has nothing to do with Star Trek. For me it seems like they took a random Sci-Fi script, threw some Star Trek terminology in there and mixed it together. Klingons putting their dead in a coffin an sticking them to the exterior of the ship.....WTF!?!

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    I had been a fan of Star Trek as long as I can remember. I grew up watching TNG and watched all subsequent series. I was super excited for the new series but also a little apprehensive - would it hold up to my current tv tastes? Safe to say Discovery did not disappoint! It is by far my favorite Trek series of all time. The characters are so rich and complex and the writing is superb. Stamets and Tilly are the best characters, I've never related more to any Trek character quite like I do with these two. Where I always found watching Trek to be an enjoyable experience, Discovery also challenges me with deep meaning and rich character reflection indicitive of strong writing and superb acting. Everything about this show is top notch and totally worth the $5 a month. I've watched it through 3 times and cant wait for more!

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