Strange World
Strange World
TV-14 | 08 March 1999 (USA)
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  • Season 2 : 2002 | 10 Episodes

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    Really Surprised!


    Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

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    Micah Lloyd

    Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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    Matylda Swan

    It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.

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    It's too bad that great shows like this one and other great sci-fi shows are tossed to the side by executives who don't or won't give them a chance to catch on like the X-files did. This one went the same way that Firefly, Surface and Invasion did and I, personally, think it STINKS! I realize that the execs for "free" TV have to make sure that the shows are going to attract advertisers in order to pay for them but, dang, it gets very frustrating to have it pulled just as you're really getting into it. Does anyone else out there feel the way that I do? Please post your comments here or on the Firefly section of IMDb. Thanks!

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    Marcos Hernandez

    I really liked this series, IMHO it was better than X-files itself. I liked the fact that the main character (Cap. Paul Turner)was near death, and depended on the very organization that he was trying to destroy to keep himself alive. Also the acting of Dr. Sidney MacMillan is great, trying to help her boyfriend but without the exaggerated excepticism of Dr Scully on Xfiles.But it was transmitted to late here in Venezuela (near midnight) and I was just a kid by the time, so I never watched the end of it.Now I'm looking for the complete season on torrent links but I haven't found it :-/ Anyone knows where it is? thanks =)

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    I consider myself fortunate in that we saw almost all the episodes in SA. Outstanding concept, well mixed with drama, mystery, excitement and, best of all, a marvellous human emotional slant.Contrary to what studio executives may think, we really do need a continuation of this series.

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    Strange World recently started airing in Finland, naturally we're seeing all the episodes (though I think the airing order of the episodes is messed up, that's a bit strange). It's a very good show, so I was surprised to find out how it was pulled off the air after only three episodes aired in the States. Sorry, guys. It's interesting that ABC also pulled the plug on another show I liked, "My so-called life", starring Claire Danes. That was a great, clever show, too.

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