The Awful Truth
The Awful Truth
| 11 April 1999 (USA)

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Seasons & Episodes
  • 2
  • 1
  • Season 2 : 2000 | 12 Episodes

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    In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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    Ariella Broughton

    It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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    Mehdi Hoffman

    There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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    Sarita Rafferty

    There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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    Yes, Micheal Moore was viewed as corrupt himself with his pseudo-documentary "Fahrenheit 911". So maybe he was having a bad year when he screwed up and fell into the same class of people who thought that the USA didn't really land on the moon.But prior to that, in his second season of "The Awful Truth", Mr. Moore got his talent in a deserving spotlight. I especially enjoyed seeing his victims shy away from the camera, like in the episode where he exposed the Public Defenders Office in Nevada for sending 900 people to prison without a trial. Yep, without a trial. You gotta watch it to see the crap that a bureaucracy can pull on an unsuspecting person with regard to their rights.I don't know why there was no season after his 2nd, but Moore did a good job at exposing corruption in his short-lived series "The Awful Truth".And yes he did put his foot in his mouth with "911", but we can forgive him for that, because he has grown used to the idea of corruption.

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    Andy (film-critic)

    Talk to anyone and you will find a mixed bag of opinions on this radical filmmaker's work. Some will literally hate Michael Moore for expanding the truth and others will love him for uncovering it. No matter which you feel, we can all agree that Michael Moore has done one great thing … he has changed the face of documentary film-making. He has kicked down the door for the possibility of others to release their 'unfundable' projects that studios now see as moneymakers because of Moore's success. He has introduced documentaries back into the mainstream cinemas, and perhaps our world is ready for it. I get tired of watching cartoons on the screen, and cannot wait to get my hands around a juicy documentary whenever it is released.That is why when this series was released on DVD I immediately ran to buy it. Not only do you get some great Michael Moore moments, but also you get to see avenues of our society that we do not take a moment and look at. There is a lot of wrong in this world, and especially in America. Those that are not honest sometimes use to media to change their image and therefore giving us a false sense of security. Moore, in his short lived series, takes random ideas and sets them in motion. One of my favorites is the FICA for Congress sketches. I think I enjoyed it so much because it showed America's reaction to his idea. He was not alone in this battle, and we knew it.As I stated before, Moore is not for everyone. He is for the open-minded individual that is not afraid to ask the question 'why'. This was a beautiful series that has made me happy to see on DVD. For those that cannot stand his longer films, this would be the perfect venue to view his topics. I do want to say that no matter how you feel about his work, you must first see it before you criticize. Never judge a book by its cover, and never judge a wealthy politician. While we will think that life is best here in America, sometimes it takes a lone voice to point out the obvious. Michael Moore has accepted the challenge, and is forcing Americans to look up instead of burying our faces in our day to day activities. We have the power to change everything … let us do it!Overall, this series was nothing short than Moore's brilliance in small snippets. I think this series should be on everyone's DVD must-see list. Grade: ***** out of *****

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    Mr. Moore, I can understand your anger with the NRA, greedy executives, and unsympathetic politicians. But is it really necessary to exploit children by making them into mini-Mikes, by having them stage protests for causes that they probably don`t understand. It`s not the message but the means you employ that angers me.

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    I'm sick and tired of Michael Moore acting like human life is more valuable than money. Look, money makes the world go around; there are *billions* of people and most of them contribute nothing. Nothing!Money has got me my beautiful trophy wife, my sports car, my trips to Europe, my tennis court, my three houses, etc. ,etc. etc. What has that slob that Michael "saved" from the HMO ever given me? Zip, that's what. El zippo.Doesn't Michael realize the kind of money HMOs make off the death of people like that whining sicky he patted himself on the back for saving? If the HMOs were to pay for every little old operation every one of their whining patients wanted, what kind of money would be left for the investors?Come on! We're talking MONEY here people! Get with the program.I hope Michael Moore's career goes down in flames, because the more he is on the air, the more he hurts the interests of people like me.

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