The Doctors
The Doctors
| 08 September 2008 (USA)
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    everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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    Janae Milner

    Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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    Donald Seymour

    This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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    Sarita Rafferty

    There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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    Are the creators and producers of The Doctors aware that if you google 'green coffee weight loss pills' a website of the show appears, it looks like an official show website, however, whatever the user clicks on they are automatically redirected to a order page for these pills. I fell for the scam, try this wonderful weight loss discovery that really works. They even claim the actress from the hit show Mike and Molly had used it and lost so much weight that the show is being cancelled. That may be the only part of the whole scam that is true. First of all it doesn't work and I am ashamed to admit that I fell for it. They offer to let you try it free for 30 days, for only shipping costs. I was very careful to read the fine print which stated, I was required to cancel within 2 weeks of receipt of my free trial or my account would be placed on an auto shipment and payment. The day I received my product, I got right on the phone and canceled. I explained I wanted to try it first and if it worked I would call. Not only did they hit my account with $136.00 which put me into an overdraft of $60 with my bank, I spent 2 days fighting with them to have my money returned. This company is a scam. I can't believe they can get away with this consumer fraud. I was finally able to receive back all but $45.11, I was never sent any more product because of the overdraft but they still kept that money, when I demanded them to justify how they believed they were entitled to keep the money when I had not received anymore product and so how was this not considered theft, they could not give me an answer. I had to fight to get back what I did and called so many times they have blocked my phone number. I'm only sharing this shame so no one else falls for this scam which is also I consider theft.

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    I'm only wasting the time to post this review so you don't waste your time watching the show.During the entire hour, there might be one or two somewhat interesting and helpful stories but most segments are for shock value, concerning extremely rare diseases or horrible things that have happened to a guest for us to gawk at like an accident on the side of the highway. Almost every episode includes some poor soul with severely decayed teeth, but if you don't watch the show religiously for months on end, you'll never get to see the amazing transformation when the dental services were offered for free. Or some other poor sap with maggots in his ear. You get the gist.It's very "tabloidish" and voyeuristic. They include many things that have nothing to do with medicine such as celebrity news, and tips on fashion and applying makeup. A great deal of time is spent on issues that are barely medical ones, such as cosmetic procedures. The show has a lot of fillers such as long promos before every commercial break to let us know what's coming up. Often, the clip shown is not even seen in the story! If you were to record it and edit out all the fluff, there would be less than 20 minutes of actual show left.The hosts shout a lot, constantly talk over each other, and interrupt each other, which is extremely annoying. They act like total goofs, not like doctors. Dr. Ordin is the most redundant host, and it's hard to take him seriously with that fake tan.There is a reason why this ridiculous show has received mostly very negative reviews in here. Instead of repeating the same complaints, just read the other reviews!

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    My wife watches "The doctors" and I do not like the show. There is some positives in the show where the viewer learns about certain conditions and medical advice. What burns my burrito is the drama mixed with medicine. I hate the mix for it makes medicine look unprofessional. "The Doctors" always brings into the show drama of either sexual and or bizarre. Some of the discussions I would rather not hear. The show loses my interest. I think the show may turn people into hypochondriacs. I like the nutrition side of it. The show also may cause people to have anxiety about their health. It might be just as bad as looking up conditions on the internet and then worrying that you have that condition. I give "The Doctors" a five out of ten.

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    This show puzzles me.I wonder what makes people mail and get tickets to be on the show simply for discussing sometimes extremely private matters INSTEAD of asking their own doctor.In private. This phenomena kind of both scare and fascinate me.Are we so anxious for TV and other media to confirm our existence today? Do the people who ask The Doctors questions lack medical insurance so this is their only chance to get some medical advice? Don't think so.They seem to be well-dressed middle-class people,sometimes verging on hysterical(especially the worried moms),but seemingly fairly well-educated and bourgeoise.Alas,this show hasn't got a lot of potential.If you've seen one episode,you pretty much get it.Asking your own doctor seems a whole lot easier in the long run.

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