The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show
The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show
TV-G | 01 September 1980 (USA)
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Seasons & Episodes
  • 1
  • Season 1 : 1980 | 45 Episodes

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    Truly Dreadful Film


    Good start, but then it gets ruined


    Better Late Then Never

    Benas Mcloughlin

    Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.


    This cartoon suffers from looped animations and recycling their own gags. Jerry suckers Tom multiple times by performing a magic trick: conjuring a tomato concealed under a handkerchief; splat. Jerry ALWAYS wins. Even in the MGM cartoons, Jerry, on rare occasions, outsmarts himself or Tom gets the best of him. Every Droopy cartoon featured Slick Wolf, which made every short hopelessly one-note and predictable. Tom & Jerry & Droopy don't put much of a twist on the old formulas. It doesn't exactly suck. Once in a while, you may see an incredibly funny sight gag. Otherwise, a fresh spin on a traditional classic just flat-lines.

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