All the Little Animals
All the Little Animals
R | 03 September 1999 (USA)
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An emotionally challenged young man named Bobby runs away from home in order to escape his abusive stepfather who has killed his pets. He meets an old man, Mr. Summers, who spends his time traveling and giving burials to animals that have been killed by cars. Bobby, also having an affinity for animals, becomes friends with the old man and aids him in his task.


everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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I will take a stab here and assume Bobby's reference to "The Fat" is British slang for "the stepfather." That is the only thing that makes sense to me.It is set in 1996 because we see that date on the grave marker of his recently deceased mother. As Bobby explains in a voice-over, The Fat killed her, not overtly, but by making her so unhappy that she wasted away. Now The Fat is after Bobby to sign papers that will reject his inheritance and give sole ownership to the London store he ran with Bobby's mother. Bobby is so distraught over this because, as she was dying, his mother told him not to sign anything. So he ran away.Christian Bale in his early 20s as Bobby Platt. He had a severe head injury when he was younger and as a result comes across as rather simple. As he heads towards the Cornwall area, to hunt up his grandfather, Bobby meets up with a man whose mission in life is to collect dead animals he finds on roadways and give them a decent burial. This strikes a chord with Bobby and soon they befriend each other, and in fact Bobby moves in to live with the man, John Hurt as Mr. Summers.Once Bobby explains all his entanglements to Mr Summers, they pay a visit back in London with The Fat, who does not take the visit very well, resenting the "friend" who wants to see Bobby do the right thing.This is a movie that many audiences will not embrace because it is not your normal mainstream movie. However I enjoyed it for the actors, both are in fine form. SPOILERS: The Fat chokes and beats Mr Summers, then takes him and Bobby in the big black car to where Mr Summers' cabin in the woods. Nearly dead he whispers to Bobby to be cunning, to trick The Fat, he needed to be killed. Distracted by lots of hidden money in the floor, Bobby uses his new knife to slash The Fat across the back of his neck then runs towards the sea. The Fat follows, in the car, bleeding badly, and in a final act of trying to run over Bobby with the car, crashes into an old, deep abandoned shaft. Bobby buries Mr Summers, takes as much of the money as he can, and carries on the mission of giving appropriate burials to dead animals.

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Some people need total control of everything and everyone in their lives. When they fail to enforce their will, these individuals lash out in anger, torment, or aggression. "The Fat" could be the poster child for such outrageous behavior. Daniel Benzali has played the heavy many times before (see "Suckers"), but his performance in "All the Little Animals" is pure evil, and reason alone to seek this film out. John Hurt and Christian Bale give fine performances, but it is Benzali who makes the movie memorable. The film is highly original, deliberately paced, and the ending is extremely satisfying. Highly recommended. - MERK

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The only reason to watch this ridiculous mess of a film is the beautiful Cornish coast. Filled with sanctimonious cliches, and contradictions, the story marches on it's predictable way to it's predictable conclusion. The three central characters are tiresome, the story contains no nuance or subtlety, nothing but the relentless pounding of whatever message the writer wanted to deliver. If you need to see footage of Cornwall in a dramatic setting, your time will be better served by viewing "The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea".

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Jay Harris

It has been said that you can take the simplest of stories & with some great performances you can have a magnificent film.\ This is the case here,Our young hero Bobby. enacted by Christian Bale;(a future Oscar winner I hope) is a slightly disabled young man who has to escape from his mean & cruel step-father superbly done by Daniel Benzali. Our Bobby runs into Mr Summers magnificently enacted by John Hurt. The rest of the plot concerns Bobby's growing up.& the eventual comeuppance of his step dad,The film was made on the Isle of man, What a beautiful area. The scenery is magnificent. I highly recommend this.

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