Annie Hall
Annie Hall
PG | 20 April 1977 (USA)
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New York comedian Alvy Singer falls in love with the ditsy Annie Hall.


Am i the only one who thinks........Average?


Absolutely brilliant


This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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Short and Simple Review by WubsTheFadgerFirst off, this is my second Woody Allen film, the first being Midnight in Paris which was very good. After watching this film, I hate Woody Allen. His character is narcissistic and rude. He always thinks about himself and his voice made me want to kill myself. The story is slow and boring. The characters constantly talk about sex and there is no way Woody Allen would ever get that much puss. He sleeps with at least five women throughout the film. That in and of itself is impossible. He is a short, ugly, and annoying man. The film is so shapeless and it repeats itself so many times, it is an utter chore to watch.The acting is bad. Woody Allen casted himself in a film he directed (He has an ego problem). He is really bad also. Diane Keaton is quite good though. She plays a quirky yet cute woman.The pacing is horrible. The film is slow and the runtime feels so long.All in all, Woody Allen sucks.Pros: Diane Keaton performs wellCons: Woody Allen plays a narcissistic and annoying man who thinks that he knows everything, Woody Allen would never get that much puss, the story is boring, the characters suck, bad acting, slow pacing, and a long runtime.Overall Rating: 3.0

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J Besser

Tom (Billy Jack) Laughlin dropped his membership in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts ans Sciences after "Annie Hall" won Best Picture. He believed that "Star Wars" should have won. He understood that George Lucas' film would forever change the way movies were made and that it should have been recognized for that. It's hard to argue with that. Especially now since "Annie Hall" is almost completely forgotten. "AH" is rarely mentioned when Woody Allen fans discuss his movies. It wasn't that good then and now it seems completely dated. Many of Woody's films get better every time I see them ("Stardust Memories" ,"Zelig","Scoop""Broadway Danny Rose"). "AH" just lays there. It seems an hour longer than it is. There are some laugh out loud moments but it hardly seems worth the effort. Then again, it's way better than "Alice".

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Nothing has changed in the 40 years since this film was made. Everyone is still against Jewish people who basically just want to be left alone, judging by the recent idiotic "rant" by the White Supremacists. Woody Allen's very autobiographical and neurotic self-portrait with his lifetime love Diane Keaton. Her character wants to be a White "Billie Holiday". Her Hollywood friends are into lines of cocaine and constant parties. The best "gag" of all is when Woody sneezes and spoils about $2000 of cocaine. Alvy Singer (Woody) makes love to several neurotic "skinny" women. He is a stand-up comedian and writer. He has appeared on TV and with Johnny Carson. It features a ton of "stars" like Paul Simon. Also future stars like Christopher Walken, Shelly Duvall, Carol Kane, and many more, all so very young. Allen carries tons of "Jewish Guilt" around with him. He eats an Easter ham dinner with Annie Hall's family and imagines himself a Rabbi. A doctor suggests that pork and shellfish might have made him sick (non-Kosher "forbidden" foods). Annie Hall (Diane Keaton) is kind of a ditzy character and can't get aroused by Woody's character unless she is high. What women find attractive about him remains a great mystery to me! It starts out slowly and builds into a comedic classic. Of course it will not appeal at all to Millennials and Blue-Eyed "Wasps". It's a acquired taste, just like The Marx Bros. and W.C. Fields comedies. Either you find it hilarious or ya' just don't "get" it at all!

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Sean Lamberger

Woody Allen at his best: baring his insecurities and shortcomings, muttering and mumbling his way through a string of sharp, witty statements, experimenting with film techniques, admiring the lost landscape of 1970s New York and, still, finding time for a rich, colorful portrayal of a years-long romance. Allen and Diane Keaton really make the film work, their rapport is so smooth, easy and genuine. We want to see them tough it out together, because their good times are so pure and true, but we know that fresh infatuation has a relatively short shelf life and the characters' essential differences make a longer, more serious relationship impossible. We see it all in a string of short snapshots, an expert mix of vital moments that anyone who's been through such a whirlwind will no doubt recognize. Those early, sunny memories you won't forget and the later, stormier ones you can't. Funny and poignant, with a dash of playful fourth-wall recognizance to keep us on our toes, it expertly churns all sorts of universal emotions.

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