Attack of the Giant Leeches
Attack of the Giant Leeches
NR | 01 October 1959 (USA)
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A backwoods game warden and a local doctor discover that giant leeches are responsible for disappearances and deaths in a local swamp, but the local police don't believe them.


Nice effects though.


brilliant actors, brilliant editing


An Exercise In Nonsense


The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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Eric Stevenson

I knew that this would fall into the same problems so many movies made at this time had. It seems like these people would never run out of animals to make giant and attack people. The weirdest thing is probably how these leeches look more like octopi. I mean, I'm fairly certain I see tentacles and suction cups. I guess I know little about leech anatomy, but I don't think that's how they work. It is pretty entertaining to see these goofy characters say all this stupid stuff. They just need to focus more on the actual action and less on these weird people.It's weird how they seem to say that dynamite won't work, even though it eventually does. At least they mention somewhat of a justification where they say nuclear weapons created the leeches. Every victim dies so they're mostly pointless. Only watch it on "Mystery Science Theater 3000". The short length probably works for it. There were just too many of these movies. They're all rather boring and pointless. *

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Favorite Movie Quote: "Don't give me any of that crud about monsters."Ho-Hum. Yet more semi-hilarious Monster Movie Trash from the 1950s.A local, Florida game warden remains totally skeptical when confronted with tales of hideous, man-sized, blood-sucking creatures coming up from the swamp. Even the evidence of the bloodless bodies of some local yokels leaves him completely unconvinced.Only when he sees things for himself does he become a believer and decide to take matters into his own hands.Anyways - It's a good thing this flick was only 62 minutes long. I don't think I could have tolerated this junk for much longer than that.

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Attack of the Giant Leeches will leave viewers perplexed about how many leaches there actually were, what is the difference between a giant leach and a giant squid, and how to balance monster fighting with ecological concerns.The film centers around a rollicking Floridian swamp where the 'gators (not to mention all forms of aquatic life) have abandoned the surrounding waters. A local is out late at night and encounters a mysterious creature with suction cup tentacles and promptly puts puts a few rifle pellets in the "giant leech," before stumbling back to the local watering hole to explain his experience to colleagues.Then the plot gets complicated. Dave Walker is some sort of proprietor of a place where the locals meet to drink and gamble. His pouty wife Lizzy prefers jazz music to letting her overweight husband touch her. One of the locals, Cal Moutlon, is particularly critical of Dave and his ability to handle his woman. I wonder is Cal is secretly sleeping with Lizzy?We are soon introduced to Steve Benton, Nan Greyson, and her father Dr. Greyson, and they seem to lack the backwater accent and unshaven visages plaguing the other characters. Hmm...I wonder who will be in charge of defeating the monster(s)?The original local who encountered the monster(s) goes back for some reason and is killed, leaving the door open for other characters to leave the safety of their dry abodes to test the waters of the crocodile-less danger. In the end, there are only four deaths and only three by the monster(s). Much time is spent weighing the pros and cons of dynamiting the swamp to kill the monster(s) bringing a rare environmental bent on the horror genre.Steve Benton and Dr. Greyson are admirable protagonists trying to bring safety and civilization to the local community. The viewer will likely leave the art house (where revivals of this film must be shown) afraid to take a bath without first planting TNT in their bathrooms. I left a little hungry for calamari.

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Since having read about the tragic death of Yvette Vickers,I have been keeping an eye out for any of her main films coming into my sight.Recently looking through a box of DVD's at a near by pond shop,I was very happy to find a four-movie horror disc containing one of her most well known films.With having looked out for any of Vickers films for a good while,I felt that her movie was the first one that I must watch on the disc. The plot:With some of the local population beginning to suspect that the disappearance of some local residents at a near by swamp,may be linked to some weird "monster" leeches that have been seen round the swamp (although,there is some doubt to the existence of the monsters,due to one of the witnesses having had a little too much Moonshine,at the time which he claims to have seen them.)Due the local police refusing to investigate the "rumors",and more residents being grabbed by the monsters,Steve Benton and Nan Greyson decide that they cant just sit back and that they must go as deep into the swamp as possible,to try and find survivors,and to discover if the "wild stories" of the monsters is actually very real...View on the film:Although the scenes featuring the "evil" Leech monsters do look like they were made on a budget the was less then half a shoestring!,I strongly feel that the ultra low-budget for the film actually added a lot of charm to the movie,with the monsters almost looking like a perfect fit for an early episode of the original Dr Who.And although director Bernard L Kowalski's does make the films plot plod along,he is able to give the scenes in the swamp-pit a bit of a "kick",by making it feel that moss is growing on the set whilst you watch!Having picked up the film to see Yvette Vickers performance,I was happy to find that she was the main thing that helped to raise the quality of the film.For her performance,Vickers gives Liz Walker a big dollop of charm,which to give the film a sense of fun,which is sadly lacking in most of its content. Final view on the film:A disappointingly plodding film,saved by a charming performance from Yvette

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