Babysitter Massacre
Babysitter Massacre
NR | 12 April 2013 (USA)
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A group of young women teamed together in their youth to run a babysitting business, when one of their friends died suddenly the group fell apart. Now years later they are all going their separate ways as college approaches, but on Halloween night someone is torturing and killing every member of the babysitter club...


It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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This movie is exactly what it says on the tin, so to speak. Babysitters do indeed get massacred in this welcome throwback to the glory (gory) days of the slasher films of the '80s to early nineties. Angela (Erin Ryan) plans a Halloween party hoping to bring her friends closer together, who drifted apart after a childhood trauma. Unbeknownst to her, there's a masked killer running around murdering.... Babysitters. Who will survive? Who is this masked maniac? Far be it from me to spoil the fun. Just watch it if you love the horror of the 1980s.Eye Candy: Pretty much all the main actresses show skin and then some

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You already know if you will like it or not based off the title and trailer. No smoke and mirror show here, this is a straight up slasher movie. In this day and age where anyone with a camera phone can make a movie it is hard to create something on a budget that can truly affect the viewer. Watching this flick, I had the same feeling I had as a kid when renting a big box VHS purely off the title and cover alone. They were always a gamble and usually always a disappointment. Babysitter Massacre is everything I love about slashers...furthermore it is the best slasher movie since the Orphan Killer. Will be watching the director and his works from here on to see what kind of treat he delivers next.

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A group of young women get back together for a reunion of their babysitters club on Halloween. However, a vicious mysterious killer starts picking off the gals left and right. Writer/director Henrique Cuoto relates the familiar, but still fun and effective premise at a brisk pace, draws the personable main characters with surprising and refreshing depth, builds a good deal of tension in the nerve-wracking last third, and delivers oodles of tasty gratuitous female nudity. The brutal murder set pieces pack quite a savage punch while the downbeat ending manages to be both startling and devastating. Moreover, it's capably acted by a sturdy cast: The adorable Erin R. Ryan radiates tremendous sweet charm as the perky Angela, Marylee Osborne excels as scrappy guilt-ridden punk rebel outcast Bianca, and Geoff Burkman registers nicely as the regretful Mr. Walker, plus there are sound contributions from Joni Durian as the meek Lucky, Tara Clark as the brash and aggressive Arlene, and Haley Madison as the bitter Cassandra. The tight 78 minute running time ensures that this picture never gets tedious or overstays its welcome. Cuoto's vibrant cinematography provides a pleasing polished look. The shivery score by Buzz Amato and Rick Hinkle hits the shuddery spot. Recommended viewing for slice'n'dice fans.

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Babysitter Massacre delivers 100% on what it promises! This movie has everything you could want from a horror film! The blood flowing? Check. Creative kills? Check. Lots of nudity? Check. There is more to it though! You also some fantastic acting from the cast and you can feel the touch of someone who really understands what horror lovers want (probably because he is one himself!)! Erin Ryan and Marylee Osborne show that you can have a horror movie that doesn't take itself too seriously without sacrificing the acting. Their performances really make you care what happens as the story moves along. If you want a list of others who give great performances, just go down the cast list! Aside from a few minor parts that were a little overplayed, the acting was solid. Henrique Coutro pays homage to some great 80's slashers while making something of his own. Overall, this movie was well worth the watch and the re-watch!

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