Between Us
Between Us
| 25 April 2009 (USA)
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Abruptly abandoned by her husband in a country completely foreign to her, Colombian native Mariana (Paola Mendoza) struggles to take care of herself and her two young children on the unforgiving streets of New York City. Sebastian Villada, Laura Montana and Anthony Chisholm also star in this gritty independent drama jointly written and directed by Mendoza and her collaborator Gloria La Morte.


Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.


Absolutely brilliant


The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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The film Entre Nos was a very powerful and gripping film about an immigrant family in America. The movie used well planned camera technique to dramatically tell the story of clawing to success in America. The movie inspired a cluster of emotions including sympathy, sadness, pity, and even anger. The emotions of pity and sadness were obvious responses to the family's struggle but some viewers even felt angry and disappointed with America for allowing this family to suffer. These viewers probably believe someone should have stepped in and saved this family from despair. The emotion I felt, however, was pride and appreciation for my country. I believe the creator of this film made this movie not to condemn this country but to show what is possible for people willing to work hard. American history is full of stories of hardship but out of this hardship usually comes achievement. A recent Chrysler commercial proclaimed that, "It's the hottest fires that make the hardest steel" referring to the struggle in Detroit and no words better fit this movie. Marianna faced multiple hardships and it made her work harder and eventually finds success. She did not give up or feel sorry for herself but she did work harder to pull her family out of the depths of suffering. Her family's story is the ultimate symbol of what this country stands for, which is allowing any person to work for their own happiness and success. Entre Nos is a perfect movie for someone wanting a reminder of why people risk it all to come to America.

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Nichole Simpson

Entre Nos is a captivating film from the very beginning. It is the story of a family, who has just immigrated to the United States from Cambodia. Mariana's husband left her and their two children, stranded with no hope in Queens, for a job in Miami. After some time Mariana, Gabi, and Andrea are left without a home, without their things or clothing, left to wander the streets, rummaging through garbage.Mariana's role as a mother is portrayed brilliantly. She is strong and yet weak at the same time. She does what she can to provide for her family, without lowering her own morals. In many ways her situation can be applied to more than just immigrant families. Directors/writers Gloria La Morte and Paola Mendoza portray the life of a woman who has been abandoned by her husband, left with nothing of monetary support and with children to care for. The role of Mariana showed that it is possible for someone to put aside their own personal pain, accept their situation, move forward, and even find happiness and moments of joy; if not for themselves, then for the sake of their children.The two child actor/actress have were very effective in expressing the emotions of a particular situation. As the film goes on and the scenes become more and more intense and emotionally wrought, these two excel in their acting abilities. They are able to draw the viewer in to feel the emotions the situation warrants.This film has a happy ending, with the mother finding work and being able to give her children something more. However, there is not really a lot of emphasize put on that. One does not know how exactly Mariana was able to get her job or the details of their life changing for the better after the lady at the apartment helped them. These details are not important to the directors. What seems to be more important is to show the process the family went through to become who they are today. This story, though specific to Mariana and her family, is common place among immigrant families. However, it goes beyond just the common fate of immigrant families to be applicable to anyone and everyone. The idea expressed is that it doesn't matter what life dishes out to you, you can fight it. No matter who you are or where you are from, each person posses the ability to fight for something better and find joy along the way, even in the most miserable and darkest of times. Throughout the film there is an emphasis on the joy that the family finds between each other, in order to endure the hardship and continue fighting for a better life.This film is very well done, with the ideas and concepts being expressed in a very effective way. I would highly recommend it to anyone.

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Entre Nos was a great movie! This movie was about a young woman fighting to find the life she had after her husband leaves her with nothing and forced out to the streets with two young children. It shows what families from other countries coming to America struggle with on a daily basis. The way this movie is filmed is in a natural lighting in Brooklyn New York, but they still add in the lighting to make parts seem more dramatic. The city seems very dirty with trash blowing around when they are walking through the city. Their clothing gets torn and dirty when they are sleeping on the streets and it makes you feel terrible and want to help them with everything when watching them struggle. The mother in the movie is a real fighter and does anything she needs to keep her children safe. In one part when she gets a place to stay and has enough money left over to buy one bag of potato chips, the children share it. It shows you how hungry they are when the children are licking the salt out of the bag while the mother watches. Its a hard part to watch and to know that this is a true story is so upsetting. The ending is great! It will be worth going through the very emotional movie and seeing the trouble in which this family goes through. I would recommend this to anyone! Its something I think everyone should see. Its hard to watch but its something that happens in America everyday. The mother is so strong and for her to be the director and an actress in it is amazing! The actress does a great job knowing that a part of her family went through this struggle so her heart is in this story. Amazing movie its definitely a must see for everyone!

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LOVED IT!!! Mendoza created nothing less than a beautiful masterpiece with Entre Nos. This movie follows the struggles of an Hispanic single parent family and how they were able to turn the tables on a life of homelessness and poverty. Mariana, the main character (single mother), was left hung out to dry by her no good low-life husband right off the bat. This forced a certain chain of events to take place that led Mariana and her two children down a path of pain, poverty, and homelessness. In the hopes of obtaining money to feed her children, provide them with entertainment, and supply a place to live (they originally got evicted from their first apartment) Mariana and her children collected tin cans from the trash and sold them to recycling firms for dollars a day. By the end of the movie Mariana's son was able to go back to school and herself had obtained a job that allowed her to buy new clothes, stay in their new apartment, and more significantly tithe to the church (a sign of being financially well off enough to spend extra money). Family is the glue that holds the world together and this movie is the perfect portrayal of this. The overall tone of the movie was a dramatic one. The music set a sad setting for a majority of the movie and the sepia colors along with the deep contrast in brights and darks further reinforced the already down trodden feeling of the movie. Family and love for the family unit kept Mariana and her children afloat in this movie and this made me love my family that much more because of it. I can only hope that this movie provides the same insight it did for me in the sense of seeing immigration in a completely different light and having more respect for the people that are just trying make it in life on a daily basis. I recommend Entre Nos to anyone who enjoys a quality dramatic film based on true events with a pleasantly happy ending.

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