Black & White
Black & White
R | 07 December 1999 (USA)
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Chris O'Brien, devote Catholic and rookie cop with LAPD, is assigned to partner with the hard-edged, street-smart Nora Hugosian. A serial killer is loose, and all the victims are low-life guys whom Nora has dealt with. So, when the tire tracks of a police car are found at a murder scene, she's the prime suspect of internal affairs investigator Simon Hertzel...


Am I Missing Something?

Jenna Walter

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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Rune Jensen

I actually kind of enjoyed watching this movie! I found the plot and story pretty good and liked the way you are in doubt whether or not Nora is the killer. I liked the plot ending where the brother steps in but it could have been made more surprisingly than it is. Though the very best of the movie is the ending where Chris have gotten a new partner and she asks "Thats where i live?" and hes like "I know.... I know." Greeaat ending :)The hip hop backgroundmusic-a-like-soundtrack sounds OK good and it fits the film very well i think. So thats a plus ;)What takes this movie down to be a "B-movie" is the editing and clipping in it. It looks like a very old though it's as new as 1998.

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I can be a bargain shopper. I believe that almost any movie is WATCHABLE, and if a title intrigues me in a bargain bin, I'll buy it. I saw Black & White on the discount shelf at Best Buy and decided to give it a chance as I tend to like police movies. Still, it had Gina Gershon, so I was hesitant even at the $5.99 price.It was a surprise though in that it was borderline enjoyable. What held it back was the direction. I feel like there was more to the script that got left out at times.I was expecting nothing so when I saw the opening credits, I was right at that point. The names of the actors, director, writers, producers all flash in and out of a quick, cut and paste scene. That was a horrible start to the movie.The beginning was equally horrible. There was the scene in the apartment that did not fit at all at the time. It seemed as if it was an excuse for Gina Gershon to appear semi-nude yet again. It drug on forever at the beginning.It isn't until the end that everything begins to fit together and you see the purpose of some of the earlier scenes. The final 30 minutes lead you one way, only to reveal a nice little twist to end the movie.If you can sit through the first 40 minutes without turning away, it will be well worth it. Gershon gives the best performance of her career, although I'm not sure how much that really says. The script is well written at times, and seems like filler at times. The direction was some of the worst I've ever seen, however, and that really limits the impact of the ending.

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An incomprehensible, slapdash film that looks as if it was edited with a meat cleaver. Scenes end for no reason, others appear almost out of context, and I am still waiting for a believable character to appear!

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Unworthy police-story. The woman is beautiful and erotic as every man wants. We know that. Stereotype! But the story is thin. At the end he shoots the woman. Why? Bad detective work. I became angry during the movie. Young and green this way: terrible. But: Put off your clothes because of the suspense was funny and good to remember.

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