Blood Tracks
Blood Tracks
| 01 November 1985 (USA)
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A film crew producing a rock music video decides to shoot at an abandoned factory above the snow line. When an avalanche strands them, a murderous family living in the factory attacks and kills many of them.


This is How Movies Should Be Made


Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful


A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Deep in the snowy mountains a mother took her children after killing her husband, their father(he was a mean, abusive drunk who wasted money on booze), living currently in a condemned factory where a band named Solid Gold and a video film crew and dancers plan to shoot if and when the damn avalanches quit ruining everything. The children, now adults, are unstable and it's only a matter of time before a cinematographer or sound guy runs across them, igniting a spree of inevitable violence to all who enter their domain. Personally, I found BLOOD TRACKS dull and monotonous, losing interest minute by minute. Essentially, the movie consists of characters attacked from behind while their minds are elsewhere. Most of the murder sequences take place in the factory which is a perfect place if you are to besiege victims. The dubbing is poor and flat, with characters so bland I couldn't acquire one iota of interest for any of them. While the methods of violence can be bloody, most of the killing happens off screen, or quickly as we are accustomed to in the latter Friday the 13th pictures. There is the usual assortment of beheadings, limb removals, shootings and stabbings(all low budget affairs), the plot a laborious, cyclical(attack, kill and repeat), repetitive bore.

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Unquestionably one of the dumbest, dullest and most redundant slasher/exploitation hybrids of the entire 80's decade, "Blood Tracks" is a Swedish-American co-production that desperately attempts to cash in on the success of "The Hills Have Eyes" and other similar mountain-survival horror flicks, but tremendously fails. The most transparent problem of this film project is the lack of budget. The acting performances are weak, the choreography looks amateurish and – worst of all – three quarters of the film is shot without lighting. During practically all the death sequences, you find yourself staring at a fully black screen with only a bit of loud screaming in the background. The basic plot outline isn't too bad, actually – albeit very derivative – but in spite of this and the reasonably high body count, "Blood Tracks" is an insufferably boring and retarded 80's movie. The intro sequence is undeniably the best of the whole film, as a worried mother of three slays her alcoholic and abusive husband and flees into the snowy Colorado Mountains. Many years later (forty according the synopsis on the back flap of the DVD), a cheesy and ultimately gay rock band called "Solid Gold" journeys to the area, along with groupies and backing vocals, to record a video clip. Their atrocious music and annoying behavior quickly causes avalanches so immense they find themselves trapped and cut off from the world. The family from the intro, by now completely bewildered and having developed cannibalistic appetites, resides in a nearby abandoned factory and prepares for a luxurious smörgåsbord. The influence of "The Hills Have Eyes" is obvious, as it is even hinted at that the self-exiled family engaged in naughty inbred games, but they're not the least bit menacing or scary. The band members and their dim-witted entourage form the least amiable horror characters I have ever seen. They say imbecilic stuff (like "the snow is cold" and "hey, let's do it in the snow"), make stupid decisions and honestly deserve to die in the most painful ways imaginable. The Colorado filming locations – actually shot in rural Sweden – are beautiful to look at, but that's pretty much the only positive thing I can write about "Blood Tracks". They're quite a bit of sleaze and nudity, but none of the female cast members are attractive or sexy. If I remember correctly, even that dreadful similarly themed movie "Terror on Tour" was better than this.

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This rates alongside "Terror on Tour" and "Hard Rock Zombies" as one of the all-time worst heavy metal horror pictures made in the early to mid 80's. This time we've got a horrendous heavy metal hair band called Solid Gold -- they're a typically ghastly bunch of primping, posturing, totally charmless and colorless poser dorks with lots of eyeshadow, tight leather pants, and hideously poofy, billowy, overpermed coiffures -- who along with an entourage which includes a pompous a**hole director, a handful of ugly, scrawny, bitchy groupie slut girlfriends, and assorted nerdy crew members go to a remote snowy mountainside woodland area to shoot a music video. These dolts run across a family of grimy, hirsute, grotesquely malformed spotty-faced inbred savage cannibal creeps living in a dilapidated, booby trap-ridden abandoned factory who naturally proceed to systematically butcher the jerky interlopers who've disrupted their peaceful, albeit primitive cut off from the rest of civilization isolated existence.Mats Helge and Anna Wolf's by-the-numbers hackneyed script clearly rips off both "Raw Meat" and "The Hills Have Eyes," but sorely lacks the depth and substance that made those two superior fright features such potently effective chillers. Instead the luckless viewer has to contend with grossly unappealing characters, folks who do such idiotic things as stupidly poke around dark areas by themselves so they can be easy prey for the cannibals, awful dialogue ("I'm gonna freeze my t**s off!"), drab direction which miserably fails to bring any style or vigor to the generic body count premise, stiff acting from an insipid no-name cast, bland cinematography, zero tension or suspense, an objectionable "have sex and die" theme ("Hey, you ever do it in the snow?"), a dreadfully dated and thuddingly redundant head-bangin' score, slack pacing, and an irritatingly open-ended conclusion. Only some decent gore make-up, the fact that several groupie sluts take their clothes off, the gorgeous Swedish countryside, and a fairly lively burst of frantic last reel carnage offers a little relief from the overall shoddiness of this stupendously lackluster clinker.

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Ténèbre Rarum (Dario_the_2nd)

Wanna be rock-stars with cannibalistic intentions? The only thing this movie features is a couple of teenagers that wanna make name and fame in the rock business. To do this they go out in the mountains to record a video-clip. The only thing the screenwriter knew to write was how to let them whinge and nag for about 90 minutes about actually how cold the snow is. The cannibal part he forgot. This movie features all over plot line mistakes –holes and many more next to the bad acting and poor dialog. I fear while writing the scenario the writer's brain was numbed by the cold and probably the booze he had to try and keep warm. Maybe they should have provided the actors with the needed booze to boost up their performances and acting-skills. Nevertheless I have one statement to make, when you have a hangover, skip the medicine box just put on this movie! Boring all over and a serious tranquilizer.Dario/

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