Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse
Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse
PG-13 | 24 February 2015 (USA)
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When aspiring knight Gareth goes in search of a fallen comet rumored to contain gold, he is shocked to instead find the dragon Drago. After Drago saves Gareth's life the two become intricately bonded, and must work together to defeat an evil sorcerer and stop his reign of terror. Along the way, Gareth learns the true meaning of being a knight in this fantasy action-adventure for the ages.

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Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant


Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

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Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Alexandra Longden

Thanks to the Directors for ruining Dragonheart for me I loved one and two but this film is a total disgrace to the franchise, why not quit while your ahead and cancel Dragonheart 4 before you ruin it anymore than you already have with Dragonheart 3.The story was confusing for me and didn't make any sense and Drago sharing his heart with the guy was nothing like it's been with 1 and 2 something totally new that ruined it and Drago claiming he couldn't speak until he bonded with the guy is total rubbish doesn't explain how dragons in Dragonheart 1 & 2 could speak without needing to share a heart I mean Drake was a young dragon and he could speak!So I say once and I'll say it again you've ruined a perfectly good franchise you should of left Dragonheart to 1 and 2 and that be it but no you had to screw it over.So I recommend any true dedicated fan of Dragonheart like myself NOT to watch this movie you'll be sorely disappointed

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Bruno Andrade

The CGI was so good has the first one i taught in the beginning that dragon heart 3 was going to have the same simple CGI has the 2th one but i was wrong. i just waited just 2 days for the movie to be released. i never knew that dragon heart 3 was being made. it was announced around the summer of 2014 but i never saw anything about it to me it came out of no were. i was actually looking on the web something about dragonheart 1 and the trailer of dragon heart 3 came to me out of nowhere and i was glad to know about it 2 days before its digital hd release because if i had knew about mounts before the release i just be to excited to sleep wondering if we were going to have the same sad ending has the first movie i actually spoiled the movie for my self i skipped to the end to know if the dragon dies or not. but in final word Dragon heart 3 was satisfying at least to me i don't expect this movie to have high IMDb ratings but i hope higher than dragonheart 2

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Alexandrea Wildee

I think we all know that nothing will ever compare to the original DragonHeart and Draco will always be the best dragon of all time, but I really enjoyed this sequel. Much better than the second(though I still enjoyed that one as a kiddo). Its a little cheesy, but I still loved it. I might just be a huge DragonHeart nerd. I liked the story line, I think they put more thought into it this time around. It was a fun adventure and the effects of the curse were very interesting! I enjoyed most of the characters. I feel it must be a requirement of the DragonHeart movies to have an annoying monk ha but they all grow on you. I think Drago and Gareth were fantastic. This is a fun new chapter to the wonderful story that we have known and loved for almost 20 years.

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Liam Blackburn

This was really well done. Gives you everything it should as a Arthurian fantasy movie. It had its corny moments, but that is what gives these movies their charm. You can easily miss the expertly interwoven story by simply focusing on the action scenes or the dragon magic. There is also a realistic amount of blood and killing. The atmosphere of late Roman Britannia is captured perfectly. You see the greedy senselessness of the Roman legions. You see the spirituality of the Druids. You see the poverty of the Romanized Britons. You see the anger and resentment that lies between the Picts and the Southerners. The storyline is straightforward but it also has good depth and character development. The only issue I had was that, with so many night scenes, they could've been lit more. It was hard on my eyes.

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