Father of a Soldier
Father of a Soldier
| 11 May 1965 (USA)
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During World War II, оld Georgian peasant wine-grower Georgy leaves his Georgian village and goes off to the front line, hoping to find his son. George should see and transfer a lot of things, he becomes a soldier and only in the last days of war finds the son...


good back-story, and good acting


From my favorite movies..


Don't listen to the negative reviews


I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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This movie is simply a masterpiece! Loving father searching his son,war,heavy atmosphere,music-all of this gives the film a unique charm, which is why we can freely call it Georgian Masterpiece.In addition to Rezo Chkheidze's direction,must be mentioned the great performance of Sergo Zakariadze-this is the main reason,why we love this film,i think. It is true that I am Georgian, and I was watching the film may be a little subjective, but I think this film is not only for Georgians, but for those,who knows what is war and losing your own son... I advise everyone to see this true Georgian classic, which gives the viewer the unique emotions and forever endears itself.

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Maybe it's me but I am very skeptical of a movie that comes from the Iron Curtain in 1964. There are just too many that are so bloody bad. For instance: The Cranes are Flying (1960), Ivan's Childhood (1962), Ballad of a Soldier (1959), Ashes & Diamonds (1959) … I could go on and on. They all just feel so outdated, low budget, melodramatic and amateur! This film is no different, outdated, low budget, melodramatic and amateur! And no, I do not connect with the old man (the scenes where he kills the German and defends the grapes where particularly bad) and this was supposed to be the films strength. Perhaps it would have been easier had he not been portrayed as this ugly ogre for the first third of the film. Finally I was not moved by the films climax as it was so freakin predictable! On the other hand the film did have a few remarkably good battle scenes that typified the early part of the Red Army's march to Berlin. But these were not enough to save this obvious piece of Soviet propaganda. After all, while this nice old man was trying to get to his son over 2,000,000 woman were being raped and Stalin had his eye on half the continent. Bad Huns! Bad Huns!!! 4 of 10 stars.

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Soviets are bulletproof beasts sure... like in every low quality soviet propaganda ''film''. I did not like film. First of all since when soldiers are blind enough to can not see old soviet soldier in open field... or since when do 3rd Reich soldiers kill wounded enemies? They were took as POW and offered voluntary service in most cases but of course soviets show that 3rd Reich soldiers were bad. just a bad film. no normal combat scenes. historically inaccurate. I do not recommend this, unless you are soviet fan who does not cares historical accuracy. This film lacks professionalism as well. There should have been better scenes and they should have shown good sides of Wehrmacht soldiers too... But as every soviet war film, this is also nothing more than propaganda.

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Georgia is a little country with a population of 5 million people and its quite amazing, that we could produce such a great movies... (Unfortunately COULD is the key word here)This is a touching story of a father who takes this long, sometimes very funny and at the same time very sad journey to find his son... his tall, handsome son...maybe one have to know Georgia and people of Georgia to understand this movie and especially understand this old man...And though I give credit to the director, I must admit the movie is great because of Sergo Zaqariadze... this is one of the best actors performances you can find... not only in post-soviet countries... I recommend to rent this movie as well, and maybe get a bit of Georgian Soul...P.S. I don't see why it is recommended 'Ivanovo detstvo' (1962)... GREAT movie from GREAT TARKOVSKI... but nothing in common with 'Father of a Soldier'

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