Fired Up!
Fired Up!
PG-13 | 20 February 2009 (USA)
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Popular high schoolers and best friends Shawn and Nick decide to ditch football camp for cheerleader camp. For the girls and for the glory.


Instant Favorite.


A lot of fun.


It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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Fun, silly movie with two leads that have great buddy chemistry throughout. Yea its a high school movie about football players and cheerleaders, but as soon as you get over yourself and your ego for daring to watch such a thing, that's when you can really enjoy the comedic timing of Eric O. and Nic D. that punches through the whole thing. Even the supporting cast (that features a LOT of familiar faces) has me cracking up every time.Its not a movie meant to change your life, it doesn't re-invent the wheel and its not meant to be deep. And it's nothing like "Bring it On"...its supposed to be a silly comedy (that actually makes you laugh) with high school fantasy rolled in. Did I mention its damn funny? Of course it had no chance of winning any movie critic awards, but it's worth a watch. Definitely an old favorite movie of mine that I still throw on every once in a while. Enjoy!

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Jon Butler

This is one of the more disappointing movies I've seen in my entire life. I don't know what's more offensive, the portrayal of gay and lesbian teens or the fact that they expect us to believe that a 30 year old Eric Christian Olsen and a 27 year old Nicholas D'Agosto are high school students. All this plus a poorly misplaced John Michael Higgins who is given absolutely nothing to work with. This movie is virtually plot less until the last 40 minutes and it's not even a good plot then. The ending is boring, anticlimactic and, in some aspects, downright insulting to the audience.The worst part is the message: there is none. There's no clear theme or lesson in this story. Every character ended pretty much the same way as they started with almost nothing to gain from the experience.On the bright side, I do have to congratulate the one million monkeys for successfully banging on one million typewriters for one million years to produce this textbook raunchy teen movie. You all have truly earned your one million bananas.

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Giving the movie a 7 and the DVD a 9 for an 8 average. This is how you make a predictable teen comedy work - keep your foot on the gas at all times, even through the end credits. There's about 120 minutes worth of script packed in to 90 minutes here and most of that is carried well by the capable (if playing well beyond age) leading men. At least one repeat viewing is necessary.Most of the failings of the film are addressed openly in the DVD commentary, hence my higher rating. Everything from poor location scouting to keeping large nostrils tilted down gets discussed (and banana pants is the secret phrase). The biggest mistake brought up being the push to get a PG-13 rating for a movie almost exclusively about sex. Some of that works for laughs, though, as the substitute swear words are always more entertaining than their standard counterparts.In the end everyone wins and everyone is a better person. Did I mention it was predictable? But the jokes are funny and not overworked, and the women are beautiful. A great movie to have running in the background when you can't decide what to watch.

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From start to finish the film doesn't get boring , the two main characters are true legends in this film they're acting is brilliant the chemistry between them really works , and the comedy side of it really is comedy GOLD , with sharp quick quotes , and a brilliant soundtrack,Fired Up! is a must see of 2009 well and onwards , the other characters have there own way of bringing they're bits to the screen Daneel Harris makes a brilliant extra on the cheer squad so for those who like comedy and a bit of cheer-leading (E.G Bring it on ETC.) this really is the comedy film for you , and your mates, and girlfriend."this isn't a movie about cheer-leading" Eric Christian Olsen's own wordsActors : 10/10 Comedy : 10/10 Everything Else 10/10

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