From Paris with Love
From Paris with Love
R | 05 February 2010 (USA)
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James Reese has a good job as an ambassador's aid in France, but his real passion is a side gig—working in a minor role in the CIA. He would love to be a full-fledged agent and can't believe his luck when he lands an assignment with Charlie Wax. Trigger-happy Charlie soon has James crying for his desk job, but when he learns that the same guys they're trying to catch are after him, James realises that Charlie may be his only hope of survival.


Sadly Over-hyped


Great Film overall


Absolutely the worst movie.

Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

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Ersbel Oraph

The usual who cares movie fare. The French girlfriend is Polish. The Paris apartments are the size of a Texan Ranch or some luxury Manhattan loft, even for a small fry CIA agent. The French border police in a post 9/11 world is some sort of small village deputy sheriff waiting to close the shop down and get home. But I get the production team needed some good camera guys to make an old, fat and slow Travolta move like a much younger, slimmer and more fit Cruise.

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Christian Adank

OK FIRST: The movie was "good". The fighting scenes are cool! From Paris With Love is an actionmovie from 2010 with John Travolta and Jonathan Rhys Meyers.A badass American comes to Paris to do a special job with Reese.Cool sayings from John Travolta don't make this film better.Travolta finds out, that his gf Caroline is a "murdress".She was only together with him, to spionage him.She shoots on Reese, but of corse he survives.They want to find Caroline."Good" Movie.

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An action movie from the producer/director Luc Besson can only have one goal: To Please the Audience!So if you want my one line recommendation: Go see it for 90 minutes of mindless action and cheap thrills!There isn't an actual plot in this. Just an excuse for some action. John Travolta is the secret don't-give-a-dime-about-anything-and-any-danger agent who drags with him a young wanna-be-agent played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers.Lot's of (impossible) shooting and action scenes, car chases, explosions etc.There is a dramatic twist at some point, but isn't there for any emotions. Just an excuse for more action scenes.Overall: That's the aim of Besson. To produce easy-viewing action movies. And this is a relative success.And an advice to him: Better stick to that and stop searching for ...deeper meanings like in "Lucy". Leave them for somebody who can handle them.

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John Travolta has a ball working heavily against type in "From Paris with Love," a 2010 film also starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Meyers places the efficient albeit ambitious James Reece, who works for the U.S. Ambassador in Paris. He's been working here and there for the CIA in hopes of moving into black ops.One of his assignments is to pick up a man named Charlie Wax (Travolta) at Orly airport. Charlie is a wild man both in looks and personality. Before James knows it, he's been involved in murder, shoot-outs, car chases, practically taken a bath in illegal drugs, to what purpose? He isn't sure. His fiancé, Caroline, isn't happy that James hasn't been in touch and asks her to bring Charlie over to their apartment. What happens then is, as all things have been with Charlie, unexpected.This is a completely derivative film but somehow manages to be entertaining, mainly due to the performance of Travolta, with the talented Meyers as his confused, deer-in-the-headlights straight man. It's a big action film and the story is there just as an excuse. Everyone keeps saying that Travolta is odd casting; yes, he is, but I think he pulls it off.Some very funny moments in between all the shooting and car chases. Don't think about it too much, just enjoy it.

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