Hangman's Curse
Hangman's Curse
PG-13 | 12 September 2003 (USA)
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Bullying students are becoming deathly ill after screaming the name of a legendary ghost. What's to blame? An exotic illness? An illicit drug? Or is it the supernatural? The clues are few and time is running out for the students of Rogers High School. The only hope is the Veritas Project, a highly trained investigative team working undercover to expose the truth. Lives hang in the balance as they scramble to unravel the mystery and protect the student body from their own hatred and fear.


Stylish but barely mediocre overall


A Masterpiece!


Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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John White

This movie can be looked at in many different ways, so I'll separate my opinions based on what aspects of the movie I paid attention to.First off, in it's horror/action aspects, it was amazingly average, possibly slightly below average. The little hangman symbols in the lockers, typical painful forced-down-your-throat foreshadowing. The weird kid who you know from the start is going to be the crazy villain in the end, you can see it all coming from miles away.What made it drop below average was the spiders...Seriously. If I recall correctly, they were trying to say that Brown Recluse spiders were being planted by the sociopath kid to attack the kids who bully people, and then they say that they were bred to be larger and deadlier...And when they show the spiders, they're these huge tarantula things! Brown Recluses are small, fairly smooth-looking, very long-legged spiders, but I guess you can't expect the film makers to understand evolution and breeding based on the film's themes.As for the "christian themes", they felt shoe-horned in. There's very little more to say about that, seeing the movie is the best way to understand this. It did, however, make the movie feel more hokey and ridiculous.Really, the only reason I watched this movie was that it was filmed primarily at a high school which I live about a mile away from, and it's kinda cool to be able to look at something so local that's in a big (using this word loosely) motion picture.

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excellent!!!!!!!! this is the best Christian film there is. it is full of action, violence and terror. however it is completely clean. the film takes place in a high school. there's a legend called hangmans curse. the legend is that a boy that hated life killed himself and his ghost haunts that high school looking to kill each and every person who made life miserable. this film is based off the Frank Peretti Christian horror novel. it dosen't follow the book very well however it is like there own take on the story. this film cant do to bad of justice to the book because author Frank Peretti stared in the film. the film is a great Christian film to show to a teenage youth group. this is definitely fox faith's best film.

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Michael O'Keefe

Not a teen slasher flick...but teens do go down, one by one. Bullies and jocks at Rogers High School die shouting the name of a former student Abel Frye(George Humphreys), who hung himself in a wing of the school still under construction. David Keith plays a special investigator, who along with his wife(Mel Harris), son(Douglas Smith) and daughter(Leighton Meester)work undercover at the school to discover the truth about the legendary curse and end its death grip on the school. Actually interesting and worth watching. Keith fit his role perfectly. Harris seemed pedestrian at best.The cast includes: Edwin Hodge, William R. Moses, Daniel Farber and Margaret Travolta.

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Hugh G. Rection (ElKabong-3)

OK, first we got the stupid premise of the government training a whole family as a secret undercover investigatory team, including the 2 teenagers. This team is checking out reports of supernatural deaths at a high school due to a ghost. This, of course, is not the case. A much-bullied science geek whose uncle was harassed to death years before is taking revenge on those he sees as the same types that were responsible. The inconsistencies in this film are legion We have the family FBI unit, which would never happen under any circumstances. We have a school building infested with large, very aggressive and highly poisonous spiders that nobody notices until they figure out the cause of the mysterious deaths, but after that you can't swing a cat without disturbing a huge clump of arachnids. As another reviewer mentioned, the daughter, though FBI trained and skilled, squeals like an 8 year-old at anything that startles her and screams constantly once the spiders are discovered. Overall, this turkey needs to be forgotten, a bad idea poorly executed. If I saw this for free I'd want my 2 hours back. Really awful, a must-pass3 out of 10 because at least it wasn't that even more awful House of Wax from earlier this year.

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