Hooligans at War: North vs South
Hooligans at War: North vs South
R | 13 April 2015 (USA)
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After fighting for their country in the Army, friends Chris and Johnny return to South London only to find their home town has changed beyond recognition. With no jobs the two join local gangs, work their way to the top and become feared hooligan bosses. The only thing that can top war, and threaten friendships, is money and power, but who will stand their ground and come out on top in the violent and bloody battle between North and South?


Very disappointed :(


The greatest movie ever made..!


a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Walter Sloane

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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Chris Aflet

I have to say that I did push myself to the bitter end of the film to give it a chance. I appreciate that the budget was small but come on, there were times when I laughed out loud at how bad it was. Wooden acting and a horrifying montage of North South accents. I'd give this film a very wide berth. If it didn't go straight to DVD then I'm surprised. A not so typical south London gangster type film with all the stereotypes that we have come to enjoy or not.There have been a few reviews of this film already and some even praising the film for its attributes and merits. I will save you having to endure the worst 1hr 33mins of my life.

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Oh come on, move on from the generic "Essex Gangster" films with to many overdone Essex accents and too many expletives! It's a mish-mash of totally incomprehensible scenes with all the jumping from black and white to colour. Some of the army scenes are done pretty badly (ex army speaking here)and although they got the kit right, it's so clearly filmed in the UK! I lost interest in the film thirty or so minutes in, too many character plots and the film follows the usual rubbish of someone telling us in narration format who the people are as we would never work it out. All these films try and copy Lock, Stock and two Smoking Barrels but it don't work due to the budget problems.It was only £5 from the bargain bin....Now on an auction site for £2.00!

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All I wanted to say about this dreadful waste of time is that it is laughably bad, but apparently I need to use more words than that.Everything about this film is terrible. The acting, directing, script, storyline, soundtrack. There is no tension, no depth in the characters or script and the fight scenes are like something off Magic Roundabout. Even after overlooking the historical inaccuracies of the scenes in Bosnia this is just one massive joke. And the joke was on me sitting right through it. Not one of the actors in this would get a decent part in a local am dram group. Yes, it is low budget but that is no excuse, I've seen many decent films on a low budget This film just looks like it was a load of mates with a poor quality camera just playing about. An utter waste of time.

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I would like to point out that Theo's negative review is a bit harsh, get off your backside and make a better film with the same budget!! One can see there was no budget involved and was definitely more blood, sweat and tears to get it to where it is today! A little understanding is needed before finger to keyboard and writing negative reviews!!It's got all the ingredients, with the right budget and a few tweaks, to be a classic hooligan film. If Chris Bell can get up and make a film then there is nothing stopping anyone doing it!! Armchair critics I challenge you to make a feature film of the highest quality on no budget!I take my hat off to those who have the determination and most of all passion to make a film.10 out of 10 for shear determination!Well done all!!!

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