Kung Fu Yoga
Kung Fu Yoga
| 27 January 2017 (USA)
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Two professors team up to locate a lost treasure and embark on an adventure that takes them from a Tibetan ice cave to Dubai, and to a mountain temple in India.


Boring, long, and too preachy.


The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Abegail Noëlle

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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Have you ever wanted to watch a movie where all the actors have the same horrible dead-pan delivery of Jackie Chan? Except, you also wanted to remove the comedic part of him, and instead try to make it multi- faceted with "romance"/random sexualization of the female characters?Then this is the movie for you!The movie's single redeemable point is it's attempt to fuse the use of multiple languages (Chinese, English, Hindi (?) ++), and I think that's something we could learn from.However, the rest of the movie is extremely bland, and the "comedic" situations often have no setup to them at all. You simply have to suspend your consciousness to view this without cringing. The battle sequences are very often drawn out too long, making them lose their usual Jackie Chan flair.Most of the actors are likely stunt-men first, and actors second. This shows A LOT in their performance.I found very little to enjoy here, and the only reason I watched through it was because I was stuck on a plane.

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Dee Mou

The overall plot is that Chan teams up with an Indian archaeologist who is interested in a historical legacy that is shared by India and China. Chan's team is devoted to the respect and preservation of this joint history and its ancient roots. (No Spoilers, but things are not quite what they seem.) Another great action film featuring Jackie Chan, here a modern version of Indiana Jones with the added touch of his classic kung fu moves. (In fact, Indiana Jones is referenced directly at one point in this movie. (No spoilers!)) Several humorous scenes mixed in with the usual combination of action scenes that are typical in Chan's movies, and as usual kung fu saves the day. It's refreshing to have a family-friendly film. Choreography is great throughout, but most especially in the closing scene, which is meant to emphasize the unity Chan's team strives to discover. Great use of costumes and technology throughout the film. Intricate set designs and a few scenes showcasing the beauty of modern India and classic artifacts from both cultures. (Whether the "artifacts" are authentic or fictional, I can't say for sure, but the effects are brilliant.)(It would have been great to have cleaner subtitles, though, which is really the only negative about the film.)

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Kung Fu Yoga is as stereotypical as its title might suggest but despite average acting performances, artificial special effects and a weak plot, it's an entertaining, fast-paced and quirky movie that mixes stunning fight choreography, exotic settings and an intriguing mixture of Arab, Chinese and Indian cultures.The story revolves around India's lost Magadha treasure in Tibet that is searched by three different parties: Chinese archaeologists, descendants of Magadha royalty and a ruthless group of mercenaries led by another descendant of an Indian royalty. The plot has a few minor but overall predictable twists. While the story is overall of an average quality at best, the movie focuses on fast-paced action- adventure elements in the key of the Indiana Jones movies. Short humorous passages and mythological elements add to the genre potpourri. There are a few truly memorable scenes in this movie. The opening animated history sequence is quite unusual and starts the movie on an original note to give the audience some background information. The closing dance choreography as well as the vivid soundtrack are also quite entertaining. The best part can however be found in the middle of the movie and consists of a spectacular chase through the streets of Dubai involving a vomiting lion. Despite the ridiculous idea, I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while which means that the makers of this movie have accomplished their mission.Kung Fu Yoga doesn't take itself too seriously and that what makes its charm. It's an entertaining movie that works best when you switch your brain off and try to enjoy the ride. It offers a colourful, exotic and explosive change from your everyday life. It also marks one of the few major collaborations between Chinese and Indian cinema and I hope to witness more occasions where these two countries join their forces. Kung Fu Yoga isn't an essential movie but an entertaining action- adventure movie for young adults and teenagers in particular.

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I looked forward to watching this film as it was partially filmed locally in Dubai but sorry Jackie this film was a mega-cheesy disaster.The characters are 1 dimensional and acting is dreadful its more like a live action cartoon than a grown-up feature film. The villain is ridiculous and the obligatory song and dance scene was the final straw.Please don't wast your time doing another Chindian movie

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