Kung Fu Yoga
Kung Fu Yoga
| 27 January 2017 (USA)
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Two professors team up to locate a lost treasure and embark on an adventure that takes them from a Tibetan ice cave to Dubai, and to a mountain temple in India.


To me, this movie is perfection.


That was an excellent one.


Sick Product of a Sick System


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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First, I must say that I have been a big fan of JC for many many years, from his early films to the current. For his sake I give this 2 stars. Otherwise this film is really a low point for him. Its great to see him still involved with cinema while we understand that he is getting up there as his best trademark stunts and martial arts years are behind him. However...whew..this one really blows chunks. From other reviews I've read there seems to have been a reason fro him to engage in a Chinese-Indian collaborative effort, but the result was lame and laughable at best. Could this mess truly have costed $65 mil?? Lets begin: The story arc of having to piece together historic clues to search for long lost artifacts that proceeds to become a treasure hunt running around to various locations that leads to another "final" treasure is soooo cliche, Indian Jones formulaic and just poorly done. Especially with "actors" that obviously have no chemistry between them or just seem so out of place within the whole scope of the film. It starts with a low-qual CG cartoon and ends in cartoon-ish style with the "villain" seemingly filled with a spiritual revival joining the the cast in one of those horrendous and awkward Bollywood synchronized gang dances as they all bow down and worship a statue in true pagan style. Wedged in between all of the noodnickery is an exotic car chase (with the only brief laugh of a CG lion stuck in the back seat of JC's vehicle), and some of JC's kung fu antics sprinkled about to seemingly remind us of his legendary prowess. The whole movie has lacks originality as well as even the minutest amount of quality acting. It's as if a chef with no culinary knowledge just tosses a bunch of disparate ingredients into a large pot and then serves it up hoping that he actually made something edible. Another solid entry into the Netflix menu of unpalatable, torrid-tasting indigestible sea-chum that has no redeeming value or reason to be remembered. Compliments to the chef.

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The movie looks like a mix of good parts of several movies. The mixed could have been good with good script and concentration on cast's acting. There are scenes that are just thrown into the movie, like they are all needed for a treasure hunt movie. Graphics needed a lot of improvement. They are not at the scale someone excepts from a bi-national or a international movie.

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This film is quite possibly one of the worst ever created. The story is non-sensical and often seems written last-minute to fit around whatever nonsense or unnecessary stunt the producer and 'star' Jackie Chan wanted to include at that moment. Some reviews seem to praise the cinematography, however I saw no discernible skill either behind or in front of the camera. The acting is dreadful, even below amateur level for the most part, and the editing is just as atrocious, hindered even further by cheap gags and untidy special effects and cgi that often sticks out like a sore thumb even in this catastrophic attempt. The film may see various exotic locations over the course of its painful 107 minute run-time, however even that potential positive only serves to make the actual film and everything else about it seem even worse in comparison. One particular scene involving a car chase sums up this film; overly long, choppily edited, terribly acted (Chan's constant indistinctive wailing especially) and awful special effects (numerous virtually cartoon-level animation cars flip unnecessarily, as well as an unexplained and unneeded clearly and poorly animated lion). Save yourself the time and don't watch.

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Kung Fu Yoga is as stereotypical as its title might suggest but despite average acting performances, artificial special effects and a weak plot, it's an entertaining, fast-paced and quirky movie that mixes stunning fight choreography, exotic settings and an intriguing mixture of Arab, Chinese and Indian cultures.The story revolves around India's lost Magadha treasure in Tibet that is searched by three different parties: Chinese archaeologists, descendants of Magadha royalty and a ruthless group of mercenaries led by another descendant of an Indian royalty. The plot has a few minor but overall predictable twists. While the story is overall of an average quality at best, the movie focuses on fast-paced action- adventure elements in the key of the Indiana Jones movies. Short humorous passages and mythological elements add to the genre potpourri. There are a few truly memorable scenes in this movie. The opening animated history sequence is quite unusual and starts the movie on an original note to give the audience some background information. The closing dance choreography as well as the vivid soundtrack are also quite entertaining. The best part can however be found in the middle of the movie and consists of a spectacular chase through the streets of Dubai involving a vomiting lion. Despite the ridiculous idea, I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while which means that the makers of this movie have accomplished their mission.Kung Fu Yoga doesn't take itself too seriously and that what makes its charm. It's an entertaining movie that works best when you switch your brain off and try to enjoy the ride. It offers a colourful, exotic and explosive change from your everyday life. It also marks one of the few major collaborations between Chinese and Indian cinema and I hope to witness more occasions where these two countries join their forces. Kung Fu Yoga isn't an essential movie but an entertaining action- adventure movie for young adults and teenagers in particular.

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