R | 17 February 1984 (USA)
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A handsome jewel thief is arrested and in order to avoid prison, must break into the heavily guarded German Embassy to steal millions in gems.


Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.

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Asad Almond

A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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I love Tom Selleck's early movies where he was clearly willing to take a chance. Once he began his career into western type movies the boredom set in for me. This was a risky movie to make, but he clearly succeeded! Great mystery, fun story line, and I never saw the ending forecast. Beware of full nudity if that bothers you. There's enough violence if you find that less threatening than the peacefulness and beauty of the human body.Set in pre WWII London, this story is based on the reputation of an established American cat burglar caught in a police frame to steal Nazi diamonds. Lassiter's solution is brilliant and, for me, completely unpredicted. Marvelous! Watch and enjoy. See if you can figure out what's REALLY going on!

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Playing the title role of Lassiter in this film is Tom Selleck at the height of his television stardom with Magnum, PI. He's an American expatriate now living in London and making a nice living as a society burglar. He must have understudied with Raffles.But he's got one confirmed enemy in Scotland Yard's Inspector Bob Hoskins. You can see how pained he is when British Intelligence and our own FBI in the person of Joe Regalbuto want him for his services in burglarizing the German Embassy in that year or so when Neville Chamberlain declared peace in our time and World War II actually began.Selleck is a lot less unflappable than he is as Magnum. That's because Hoskins is just itching to nail him if something goes wrong. There are two prominent female parts, Jane Seymour as the good girl and Lauren Hutton doing her best Marlene Dietrich imitation as full time Nazi seductress and a real man killer literally.Jewels is his game and a fortune in gems the Germans are known to keep in their embassy is what the British want. They say the sale of the swag will finance all kinds of subversion. Selleck might have alternate uses in mind.Playing a small but very key role is fellow expatriate Ed Lauter who used to be a bootlegger in the States along with Selleck but left for the United Kingdom where the cops don't carry guns and therefore not likely to shoot you. Lauter is a wheel man and that fact plus the fact that their police don't carry weapons is key to how Selleck pulls the caper off.Lassiter is a lighthearted caper film and a caper pulled against the most evil of villains is something always the audience will like.

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Good cloak and dagger action drama set in London 1939.Has very good sets and story but could have been a classic if it had better directing and script/screenplay.The director had a little difficulty finding a good balance between being edgy or watered down in a more Hollywood way.Great entertainment though for cloak and dagger fans and big fans of the lead stars.Selleck looks really good here.....

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Lassiter stars Tom Selleck and Bond-girl Jane Seymour. Lassiter, like Bond gets into similar situations and in the end triumphs over the enemy. Lassiter has action, beautiful stars, acting, and enough plot to keep it going. It's not perfect, nor a hidden gem, but it should not be forgotten either. It's worth an evening and a bag of popcorn.

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