I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.
View MoreIt isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
View MoreVery good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
View MoreStrong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
View More"Scorpio" is too talky and over-plotted. It becomes difficult after the opening scene to figure out what's going on and it stays that way. The action scenes are far and few between and the tedium is rampant throughout. Michael Winner's direction is almost non-existent. The running time doesn't help matters, at 15 minutes should have been edited from the final version. Burt Lancaster and Paul Schofield act well and their scenes are good. For a man of 59, Lancaster is remarkably fit and he can still perform the athletics. This film could have been better but it's a long haul.......
View MoreScorpio was a film Burt Lancaster didn't think too much of according to a recent biography and after viewing it I can certainly see why.On the plus side Lancaster got to work with former co-stars Alain Delon from The Leopard and with Paul Scofield from The Train, both films considerably better than Scorpio. Too bad he wasn't given something better than a warmed over espionage story.Lancaster is a CIA agent suspected of being a double agent. Word has come from on high to terminate his existence. Not an easy task by any means. Lancaster hasn't survived in the spy business by being a dummy for thirty years.From French intelligence the CIA borrows hit-man Alain Delon who has worked and trained with Lancaster. He's got the title role as one nicknamed Scorpio because of the way he strikes. Lancaster has an ace or two up his sleeve also. An old friend with the KGB, Paul Scofield, is willing to help up to a point.Here's where there is a real problem. Both Lancaster and Scofield are identified by the script as having served in Loyalist Spain with 'volunteer' groups. Of course in the Soviet case I'm sure volunteering was strongly urged.In America however that would have been the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. And during the post World War II McCarthy era that was one of a group of organizations past and present that was considered a Communist front. I'm sorry, but there ain't NO WAY that Lancaster with that in his background would have ever gotten a job with the Central Intelligence Agency. And if he did, he would have been found out and dismissed back then and there. The whole story falls apart knowing this.There are some nice location shots of Vienna and of Washington, DC in Scorpio and acting honors if any go to Paul Scofield. But the film is one colossal waste of time.
View MoreRetirement is not always possible for a spy, particularly an agent caught in the no-man's-land between the two superpowers... Cross (Burt Lancaster) is such a spy in Michael Winner's 'Scorpio.' Released at a time when disclosures about CIA and FBI abuses were receiving wider acceptance, 'Scorpio' might have become a controversial success, but was forestalled by Costa-Gavras' more factual 'State of Siege.'A melodramatic and threatening spy film, 'Scorpio' had two rival protagonists: Cross, an experienced CIA agent being hunted by his former colleagues, and a former French paratroop officer, Jean Laurier (Alain Delon), now a 'CIA contract button man,' a professional assassin, code-name Scorpio... Irritated by the Frenchman's independence, the CIA chief McLeod (John Colicos) has had heroin planted in his bedroom to make the hired killer more pliable... Threatened with a drug arrest, Scorpio has no choice but to accept the assignment to kill Cross, although McLeod sugars the pill with promises of a fat bonus and Cross' job as the CIA's man in the Middle East...Although told that Cross has been a double-agent working for the "opposition," Scorpio remains doubtful... In the meantime, by a series of clever tricks and tactics, Cross has not only managed to evade the CIA men following him, but has arrived in the favorite city for cinematic intrigue, Vienna, Austria...The most part of the film's action and some of its best sequences take place in the country on the Danube River where the mystery surrounding Cross deepens... In a nighttime rendezvous on a deserted street, Cross is met by a Viennese worker who is whistling, perhaps as a signal or out of habit, the "lnternationale."The husky-voiced Cross says, "It's been a long time since Spain," to which the man responds, "The best died there," and gives Cross directions to meet two more "cut-outs." This kind of political reference occurred frequently in the film's dialog as part of the sympathetic characterization of Cross as envisioned by an intelligent and well written script...In a sequence that was easily the equal of some of the best spy films, Cross and his Soviet counterpart, Sergei Zharkov (Paul Scofield), laughingly discuss their mutual reject for their bosses and the identical young men who support both the CIA and KGB... While Cross accepts Zharkov's evaluation of themselves as a pair of premature anti-fascists, he can not understand Zharkov's professed belief in Communism after years spent in a Stalinist labor camp and the recent invasion of Czechoslovakia... In a later scene when Zharkov tries to get help from his superiors and is refused, the embassy official is given a dose of Zharkov's irony when told of his resemblance to another man 'who didn't leave his name, but was trying to build socialism in one country out of the bones from a Charnel house' as strong an indictment of Stalin's Russia as any Cold War film, but more intelligent and more skillfully presented...The film's major element was the state of tension in which the audience was held, until the final minutes viewers could be certain of Cross true identity, and CIA director, the eccentric hated human being represented by McLeod...The CIA chief appeared more ruthless than any other character... He was willing to frame Scorpio on a false charge, to endanger his own agents needlessly and even to have Cross' wife murdered in an unsuccessfully burglary attempt... There was even a hint of Nazi persecution, since one of Cross' wartime friends, Max (Shmul Rodensky), was killed during an interrogation conducted by a local Viennese thug who had laughed cleverly at the mention of Max's imprisonment in a concentration camp...The problem of Cross's guilt or innocence concentrated on Scorpio, who knew enough to distrust McLeod yet is pushed to fulfill his assignment... In a nighttime scene shot in a huge enclosed botanical garden, Scorpio meets Cross and their dialog is a clever mixture of plot development and characterization... To the Frenchman's direct question whether he is a traitor or not, Cross tells Scorpio that he reminds him of a little girl in her white Communion dress looking for God, but that since Scorpio has the soul of a torturer his need is even greater... Cross denies being a double-agent and tells Scorpio that McLeod wanted him eliminated as well...Scorpio's conversations gave the film its uniquely complex political coloration... Lancaster gave his character the air of a worldly wise cynic whose ties to the Russians were as mercenary as they were emotional.. With considerable assets in three separate bank accounts, Cross' dismissal of Zharkov's Communist blind faith had a firm basis... Yet, Cross had all the 1930's liberal hypotheses: The whistled "Internationale," the reference to Spain, the twenty-year friendship with Zharkov, his obvious affection for Max and Cross' contacts among Washington, D.C. area Blacks were all hints of his real political sympathies... His warnings to Scorpio were justified, and Cross's treason seemed minor compared to the CIA's criminal behavior... The traditional reference points (affection for his wife and friends) all proclaimed Cross' innocence, and in fact, the CIA stood more condemned in the film... If it hadn't been for its irregular pacing, the juxtaposition of slow, talky scenes with far too gymnastic thriller consequences, 'Scorpio' might have been a domestic 'The Spy Who Came in From the Cold.' The spy film that did eventually serve this role appeared in 1975, in Sydney Pollack's 'Three Days of the Condor.'
View MoreIt is rare nowadays to get such a good plot as this one. This film is deleted in England so I bought an American copy via Amazon - I like it so much.I won`t go into the plot simply to say that this is first rate stuff with great atmosphere.10 out of 10.
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