Terminal Voyage
Terminal Voyage
R | 08 June 1994 (USA)
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It is 2035 A.D. and the final countdown has begun for a voyage that will reach across the vastness of outer space - to explore the nearest Earth-Like planet. An international crew has been placed in cryogenic suspended animation for the journey. But a century later, they awake to find that things have gone horribly wrong.


Stylish but barely mediocre overall

Joanna Mccarty

Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Scotty Burke

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.


The jacket says 2178. This was not a bad movie. I will agree it was like 10 little indians in theme but they didn't pursue the deaths enough to determine if sabotage was involved. Nor did we ever find out who did it. But it must have been the android.However, the movie was believable as was the acting. I didn't care for the drug addict doctor nor was an escape pod for only 2 believable or reasonable. Nor was the ending expected. That comment was BS.It was disappointing that they never reached their destination.I will agree with the comment about the absurdity of an underground bunker on Alcatraz island near the Goldengate bridge. Not a logical place for this.I am disappointed that I could not fully hear the comment on the holographic phone except for mention of everything gone & Nostradamus. But the full comment was indiscernible. Without closed captioning, we may never know his full comment.I could have done without the virtual reality & nudity on them. Those were a waste of time better used for improved story instead. I didn't buy the film to see their virtual reality trips. There was a short lived TV series or pilot very similar with virtual reality & deaths on a space craft. Someone was killing everyone via virtual reality. That series was really bad. I have it somewhere.Kids don't need to see nudity fantasies & drug addict shoot ups to escape problems. Neither were necessary. It is rated R as a result which killed their main audience from watching it. It showed a lack of faith in the movie by the Director or whomever came up with the idea to insert scenes like that. I also would have liked to have seen more about the new planet and more ship & crew functions between the deaths instead of back to back.But still is worth watching for adults. It was a B++ above all other B movies. The acting & sets & story were quite believable. Nothing cheesy even without expensive effects.

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While it is not the best movie ever made, nor the best done, I think it's still an enjoyable movie. The acting, while a bit sheltered by medicore scripting, is superb. Ming Na does very well as the doctor, and Emma Samms and Brenda Bakke do quite well also. And of course, being the ever popular De Young fan, Cliff did very well, minus the bad accent. All in all, I would suggest this movie to most people, so long as you don't watch it with kids.

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This movie is not good by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, it's probably one of the worst films ever made. I saw it a long time ago, though, and it was late, and at the time I liked it. I hope to someday see it again, but i don't think that it's going to happen. I still recommend it to people who like bad movies.

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First, you start with Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians." A crew is on a star ship and they start being killed off one by one. Add some cheap cliches to attempt to make the characters seem real, like giving the doctor a drug problem (Why is the one character who should be aware of the dangers of drug abuse and is acutely aware there is a limited supply for everyone on board the one who succumbs to it?). Put in the characters behaving by the numbers, saying things like, "We have a mission to uphold"). The movie is so obvious with its plot twists, you start hoping that it's just trying to throw you off, and you see something other than you are expecting. Not at all. In fact, the big surprise plot twist in the film's final act, as well as the "ironic" ending, aren't that surprising or shocking. You watch the movie, wondering what would have happened if they'd tried a little harder.

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