The Eliminator
The Eliminator
R | 06 July 2004 (USA)
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Former LAPD cop, Dakota Varley, enters a power boat race seeking the prize of $250,000, but immediately discovers, first hand, that this race's risk matches the prize: one racer is killed, 3 others seriously injured in multiple action-packed crashes and explosions. Varley tries to leave the lake and collect his prize money but is drugged and kidnapped by Dawson and thrown into a different world: a world where survival means everything and no-one follows the rules. Surrounded by heavily-armed men, he soon learns that he and six other victims have been assembled to be contestants in the ultimate survival game: they will be hunted nightly by hunters with rifles until there is one remaining survivor, who will win a $10,000,000 cash prize!


What a waste of my time!!!


A bit overrated, but still an amazing film


Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.

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Kamila Bell

This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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"The Eliminator" is a slightly more professional effort than Bas Rutten's following movie, "The Vault", but that isn't saying much: it's still not very good. The fights (the No. 1 reason for anyone watching this) are few (maybe 4 in total), brief, blurry, and gimmicked-up (slow motion, fast motion, etc.). The script is not only blatantly derivative (of the films I mentioned above, and many others), but sloppy as well, especially in the last 20 minutes (one character practically disappears without a trace). There is surprisingly little action overall, and too much wandering around the island. I liked the professional stuntwoman Danielle Burgio - although she is not conventionally beautiful, I found her gorgeous in her own way - but she is largely wasted in this role. (*1/2)

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I can't say is the worst movie I've ever seen, is the second one in the series. Maybe Bas Ruten is a good fighter and maybe someday he will become an actor, who knows? But why I am talking about Bas Ruten? First of all I must talk about director, writing, plot or is better to never talk about these stuff, because are inexistent. I've seen many movies in my life and in the last years 90% of all American movies are just garbage. Is not a surprise if you discover that a movie so called great is so great just because it was seen by a stupid people. Hey, you won't wake never? The advertise and mass media, just had you all? You have no brain still? How could you make all the movie the same f.....g way? They are fighting so many times without a single scratch, they are leaving the guns beside, they always find a way to reach the bad guys, you still believe in fairy tooth? Or red hoodwinked? Even Van Damme is better than this one. Maybe you should start to see movies from Europe and to not believe everything is told to you by your beloved compatriots, the Americans. A movie like this is enough to all the week-end and the next month too. Is a perfect punish for your enemy.

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This was such an awful movie. The only reason I didn't change the rating to a 1 was because of Bass Rutten, while he cant act, i just like him. Thats the reason i saw this movie, because he was in it. But this seriously isn't worth seeing. Not a single person in the whole movie can act, the actors killed this movie. This is seriously a bad movie, don't netflix it, don't rent it, don't watch it when your flipping channels. Bass Rutten may be a skilled fighter, but that doesn't mean he can act. A lot of these famous people, singers, celebrities, etc, think they can act because they can fight, or sing, or dance. No, just no. Its extremely evident here, and its just a crappy, low quality low grade movie. don't see it.

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"Original" is a word that doesn't get used enough when reviewing movies, and I'm definitely not going to use it here.This movie has way too many similarities to Ice-T's and Rutger Hauer's "Surviving The Game" and Jean-Claude Van Damme's "Hard Target". The other reviewer says it resembles Japan's "Battle Royale" as well, but I have yet to see that one. One of the better things about this movie is seeing real Pancrase, UFC and other MMA fighters in this type of action movie. I liked seeing the armbars and other submissions thrown into the fight scenes, as they did in this movie. There was also a nice fight scene between Bas Rutten and Marco Ruas. I also liked how they kept the women, even the stronger ones, weaker than the men in most cases. This is how it would be in real life, and that's what I liked seeing in the movie (Nothing against women in general, but let's face it, with this group, there's not many women that could keep up with these characters).The plot of this movie has far too many similarities to the movies mentioned above. I'll keep the review spoiler free, but just a quick plot run through. There are 7 captured "contestants" who are hunted at night, with the last man alive winning a cool $10,000,000. I don't have to say anything else, as I'm sure most of you can take it from here.One thing I felt the movie could improve upon was with the villain. Movies nowadays don't have strong or mean enough villains. You should be walking out of a movie thinking, "What a bastard that guy was! I'm glad he got what was coming to him." Not just this movie, but most movies these days are like that. Watch "Stone Cold" main bad guy and you'll see what I mean. Enough on that rant.Anyhow, I'd like to see Bas Rutten do more action movies, but I feel he'd be a better villain than hero. He did do much better here than I thought he would. I think this movie is worth a rental if you get the chance. I give it a 6.5 out of 10.

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