The Terminal
The Terminal
PG-13 | 17 June 2004 (USA)
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An Eastern European tourist unexpectedly finds himself stranded in JFK airport, and must take up temporary residence there.


if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.


If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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Anjan Karki

It is astonishing how a brilliant acting can make a simple story a great one. The terminal is a simple, a feel good movie. Watch it for Tom Hanks. I am sure you will enjoy it.

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Movie Review: "The Terminal" (2004)Actor Tom Hanks carries this tragic as comical picture on his sole shoulders with the real-life-inspired, romanticized story of fictitious Viktor Navorski, arriving at JFK airport in the state of New York, USA, while his former country seizes to exist, when the charming, yet automatically-reminiscence to "Forrest Gump" (1994), spoils the experience of an slightly-lengthy 120-Minute-Editorial by Amblin Entertainment's man of trust editor Michael Kahn, when Director Steven Spielberg pulls magic tricks by the shots of splendid moments in the heart-warming love story of homeless Viktor & Amelia the stewardess, portrayed by eye-catching as beat-striking Catherine Zeta-Jones, at age 34, to a fairy tale conclusion not without having a couple of visual surprises by Cinematographer Janusz Kaminski in ultra-movable camera motions as light transitions, down to miss-placed handheld shots, especially at scenes of costumes chief inspector Frank Dixon, performed by suspense as conflict-sharing actor Stanley Tucci, delegating backstage business with costume officer Dolores Torres, played by ensemble-completing actress Zoe Saldana, in forth-coming realms of an imaginative airport wonderland with massive budget-raising product placements for any audience to buy in.The third collaboration between Director Steven Spielberg and Actor Tom Hanks presents itself as quality motion picture entertainment as it can be expected by these two extraordinary filmmakers through decades of taking-seats in Hollywood's mind-set of the highest order. "The Terminal" is rounded up by another playful this time lounge-music-indulging score of romancing emotions by composer John Williams, when some of Spielberg's key players as producer Kathleen Kennedy and production designer Rick Carter are substituted by "Men In Black" movie-series-producing Laurie MacDonald and Alex McDowell in realism-preaching production design, when the high-standard screenplay by industrial professional Jeff Nathanson becomes the ideal project for the director's vision of happy endings and portions of magical realism for the dreamer in all of us.© 2018 Felix Alexander Dausend (Cinemajesty Entertainments LLC)

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The preview of The Terminal is a pretty good representation of the film, which isn't always the case with modern trailers. Tom Hanks plays a man from Krakozhia, visiting the United States for the first time. He arrives in New York City, but before he gets through immigration he runs into a pretty major problem. Stanley Tucci, the customs director, informs him that his government is going through a crisis and he isn't allowed to enter the United States. He's also not allowed to be shipped home, so he's stuck in "the terminal" until his country stabilizes. He meets a host of airport workers who have a host of quirky traits, and he also becomes attracted to stewardess Catherine Zeta-Jones. And, as you can see from the preview, there are a few laughs, some good acting from an accented and utterly foreign Tom Hanks, some cute scenes, but it won't end up being your favorite movie in the world.My biggest problem with the film are the minor characters. Kumar Pallana, a janitor, is extremely irritating. His character is written to have a major attitude problem and to be intentionally mean, for no reason except to exact a frustrated chuckle from the audience. Diego Luna and Zoe Saldana have an awkward romance that isn't the most amusing part of the plot. Catherine Zeta-Jones, while written realistically, isn't a very nice person and reminds audiences of that one person in their circle of friends who makes endless mistakes but is tolerated because of her beauty.Basically, if you're a Tom Hanks fan, or a Steven Spielberg fan, or a John Williams fan, you'll probably want to see it. But it's not exactly the feel-good movie that you think it will be. There's a big mystery in the plot and once it's revealed, you might feel a bit let down. Having said that, I do own a copy, since there are some cute scenes. My favorite is Tom Hanks's preparation of asking Catherine Zeta-Jones out on a date, or as he says it, to "eat a bite". He's a cutie!

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First of all i would say that is how you make a film without high tech gadgets , Special effects and stunts etc. It is just the beauty of acting and Story line.If you love acting and story line to make you entertain this is just one of the perfect movies to watch.I cannot forget the man who brings the extra ordinary masterpiece of acting to this film , MR.Tom Hanks. He is as always the best in the business. He shows to all the new actors who put more faith in stunts and Special Effects that it is not the real case of entertaining people. As an actor it is always ACTING which makes people felt the presence of an actor. Catherine Zeta Jones also did a wonderful support play to Tom Hanks and should be mentioned with a great respect for her justification to the character as well. Like every other movie Tom Hanks had touched this film is also not an outcast but again an inspiration to the movie loving fans.

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