The Triplets of Belleville
The Triplets of Belleville
PG-13 | 29 August 2003 (USA)
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When her grandson is kidnapped during the Tour de France, Madame Souza and her beloved pooch Bruno team up with the Belleville Sisters—an aged song-and-dance team from the days of Fred Astaire—to rescue him.




Disturbing yet enthralling

Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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A fantastic film, which makes you feel depressed, and feel nostalgia. Amazing and straight forward story, minimalistic yet realistic animation, which critiques the lives' of the modern man, with deep meanings and many references to the life in the 50's. The caricatures of the mafia, and the over caring grandmother are hilarious. The movie also is very depressing. If you watch it till the end, you instantly have a feeling in your stomach, especially after the last scene. The deterioration of the house, is also extremely saddening, and you really root for the characters, mostly for the granny. I recommend you watch it and be prepared for an emotional roller coaster.

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I watched this movie in French class last year. Not a single person in my class liked it. It was foul and disgusting, but not in the sense of something like vomit. It was more of a "get out of my face" kind. It's just such an ugly film I wish I could give it a 0. I've watched it in both French and English, and neither was a pleasant experience. I know somebody who said it was their favorite animated film, and nobody there knew about the film, except me. We were arguing, but he couldn't really say anything against what I was saying other than "It was supposed to be like that." I would say it was boring or it was ugly, but he wouldn't listen. It's not odd or charming like a Miyazaki film. It's ugly and repulsive like Batman Returns.

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The more I think of this movie, the more I hate it.Why is that? Because as time passes, I forget its shiny looks and nicely done drawings, and see it more as it really is: an empty shell of a movie, with no lovable character, and a very lame, unoriginal and clichéd story. And especially boring. I believe that it is 1000 times more difficult to make somebody laugh and marvel at something beautiful, than to create ugly works (much easier actually). That is why modern art is most of times about ugly stuff. Yes, I am comparing this movie to modern art, because that is what I was thinking of during the entire movie. Ugliness disguised as satire. This movie is also devoid of any emotional feelings. This is what you get when you try to make something original just for the sake of it, while not being inspired at all. The french have a long lasting hatred against the Americans, mainly because their greatness has been utterly reduced to practically nothing. So, in a desperate effort to prove that they still exist and still capable of reaching the high level of American Movies like Rattatouile Toy Story, etc., they said to themselves why not make a satire on these movies. Except that I, for one, saw right through it as it really is: a lame movie. Period. Next time, try to make us laugh, or cry, or happy or sad, anything but try to make us feel something. And then we'll talk about your views on fat Americans and Disney movies.4/10 only for the graphics.

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I guess this movie is just culturally boxing. I read many reviews from haters, and I understand what made them hate it. I, however, loved it.I am Portuguese myself, and have travelled about, and the depictions in the movie are what a foreigner will first unavoidably perceive of a new people. They are not meant to be offensive, but rather to be amusing, exactly because they are so raw and placeable. There are stereotypes of even the creating crew: if they can be self-critic, we can take the joke too. And none of the characters gets ostracized based on their origins, and they find it to team up despite their differences.There is little to no dialogue, and yet you do get the language of it all, if you pay attention. There are subliminal, intentional messages in every sound you hear. You could be an illiterate 100-word goat-shepherd anywhere in the world and still grasp at what is told, simply because you can see and you can hear.So, this movie is a humouristic play with human xenophobia, which separates nations, AND with wordless communication, which unites nations. Surely you will appreciate the irony!Furthermore, the love this granny feels for her detached grandson is admirable and endearing. He rarely acknowledges her, and yet she is completely dedicated to him. What greater devotion is there? (And no, I am not a cheesy chick at all, trust me.) But I admit I may be too biased here: Souza is so much like my grandmother, and the boy so much like my little brother, and the dog so much like one of mine (go ahead, call my family a stereotype). I advise you to watch this on a cinema or any large screen with a good sound system. The movie thrives mostly on unusual visuals and audios. It has its little bads, but it always makes my spirits dance!

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