Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day
PG-13 | 11 February 2010 (USA)
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More than a dozen Angelenos navigate Valentine's Day from early morning until midnight. Three couples awake together, but each relationship will sputter. A grade-school boy wants flowers for his first true love. Two high school seniors plan first-time sex at noon. A TV sports reporter gets the assignment to find romance in LA. A star quarterback contemplates his future. Two strangers meet on a plane. Grandparents, together for years, face a crisis. An 'I Hate Valentine's Day' dinner beckons the lonely and the lied to.


Slow pace in the most part of the movie.


Purely Joyful Movie!


Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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Of all the named-after-holiday Garry Marshall movies, Valentine's Day is by far the best. Told in several vignettes and featuring an all-star cast, audiences can delight in any number of romantic short stories that revolve around the most romantic holiday of the year.In one, Julia Roberts plays a soldier flying home who sits next to a kind and nicely dressed Bradley Cooper. In another, Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift give an absolutely adorable performance as two high schoolers spending their first Valentine's together. And on the other end of the spectrum, Shirley MacLaine and Hector Elizondo play a decades-long couple who attend a drive-in showing of one of Shirley's old movies, Hot Spell--too cute! And in what might be my favorite (although it's really hard to choose one), Jessica Biel throws an anti-Valentine's Day party for her single friends.There's a story for everyone in this movie; it's seriously cute!

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Wife made me watch this with her because it had "star power". The only power it had was to make me constantly throw up in my mouth over and over again. This was honestly the worst movie I have ever seen. Terrible acting, worse writing, and everything was predictable from the start to the end. I'm hoping it ends soon.Oh God. It's still going. Now my wife is laughing. I'm wondering if this is grounds for divorce.My review does not contain enough lines. What else can I say besides the fact that this is so awful? Please kill me.Still not enough????? OMG. Taylor Swift is on again. Now I want to puke again. Please let it be over!!!!

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Three couples awake together, but each relationship will have its own problems. A grade-school boy wants flowers for his first true love, two high school seniors plan first- time love-making, and a TV sports reporter gets the assignment to find romance in LA.Also...... star quarterback contemplates his future, two strangers meet on a plane, grandparents, together for years, face a crisis, and finally, thank goodness, an "I Hate Valentine's Day" dinner beckons the lonely and the lied to. Can Cupid finish his work by midnight, and was the script actually written by somebody who had an ounce of realism?If you've seen 'Love Actually', stop reading, stand in front of a mirror and congratulate yourself, there is no need to see this. Actually, do the same if you've never seen this, this film is poison.Like New Years Eve and He's Just Not That Into You, the film features a lot of highly unlikeable characters, surrounding and taking up most of the film from the two most likable characters in the film, Cooper and Roberts.If there was a film, or even a short TV drama about these two characters, I'd watch that definitely, but the rest of the characters are insufferable consumerist obsessed people, who really do deserve to be alone.These intertwining stories are not good, in fact, some are downright offensive. How can a story about a high school couple wanting to consummate their relationship constitute romantic comedy? Oh that's right, because he runs around town with nothing on, hilarious.A couple who have been married for years, find out one of them was unfaithful years ago, my sides have just split.And then there's Taylor Swift. My gosh. I have seen some bad acting in my life, but this is hands down the worst performance by anyone in anything. And to think that her and Lautner were in a relationship is mind boggling, they have zero chemistry in this.Oh well, she got a hit song out of it.So all in all, it's an abhorrent mess, devoid of anything, and apart from Roberts and Cooper, who play the most realistic characters, every one should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.Especially Queen Latifah, whose final joke at the end is demeaning to her.An awful, rubbish movie.Watch this on Valentines day, you deserve to be dumped.

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This was a decently funny film with several interlocking stories, all on the titular Valentine's Day. It opens with Jessica Alba accepting Ashton Kutcher's wedding proposal while waking up (how romantic!), and proceeds from there. My favorite scenes include those with the football player, Anne Hathaway's role as a "phone sex operator," George Lopez's scenes, the "I Hate Valentine's Dance," Jamie Foxx's scenes as a sports reporter, and Taylor Swift carrying that huge bear around! You might be surprised who Julia Roberts is going to see at the end. I also loved Jennifer Garner's scenes. Some of the scenes and stories actually interacted! Perhaps the most impressive part of this movie is the large ensemble cast. All the actors in the stories worked well together. You will enjoy this movie and want to watch it on Valentine's Day!** 1/2 out of ****

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