PG-13 | 02 November 2012 (USA)
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The modern-day story focuses on two beautiful young vampires who are living the good nightlife in New York until love enters the picture and each has to make a choice that will jeopardize their immortality.


Fresh and Exciting


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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It's hard to really consider a vampire film or any kind of film for that matter.Vamps centers around two female vampires Goody played by Alicia Silverstone and Stacy played by Krysten Ritter as they go through lives as vampires living in New York. But they are under serves to Cisserus played by Sigourney Weaver the woman who made them vampires and honestly how much did they play Sigourney to play this character? I mean come on. Cisserus is support to be our film main villain but she just the stereotype where she is passion about the newest clothes and what have you and she is pretty much serious really?Stacy while going to college meets a young man named Joey played by Dan Stevens who unknown to her is the son of Dr.Van Helsing played by Wallace Shawn.Dr.Van Helsing later begins a quest to rid the city of vampires which leads to problems with Joey and Stacy.I mean how can this be called a vampire film? Seriously? First off the only "vampire" that does what we know Vampires to do is Cisserus. Goody and Stacy do have vampires but they only drink rat blood.But seriously it's hard for me to take this film seriously.I mean the characters hardly are interesting or even worth the screen time they have.The plot of the film is pretty much the same thing we seen in any love comedy but they thought putting vampires which are pretty much ugh by the way they are hardly vampires in this film. They pretty much people with problems as vampires but come on.It's just that kind of film where you like or hate me It is just impossible to mind anything worth your while in this film.Only watch it if you're curious but it just not for me or any real vampire film it just a insult.I give VAMPS an 3 out of 10

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This film was funny overall. I thought the acting was decent. Both female leads were convincing. Macdowell always does a good job, too. Dr. Van Helsing's character was well-cast.However the ending didn't make much sense. If Ritter's character could get pregnant as a vampire, wouldn't that mean that she could carry the child to term as well without changing back? And then the kid has fangs at the end after she turns back to human! Seems like Goody didn't need to die after all. I mean, how many people would choose to let their friends die for a child that hasn't been born yet? And then Ritter loses her youth as well. I know it's just a fantasy, but there should still be some logic to the plot to make it seem realistic.In sum, I have more respect for Ritter and Silverstone's acting abilities now, despite the faulty plot. Worth renting out at least for a few laughs.

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What can I say? I thought I'd give this a try because of all the glowing reviews on IMDb - maybe have an enjoyable 'chick flick' night in with some popcorn and a few laughs. Besides, a movie with Sigourney Weaver and Malcolm McDowell couldn't be all bad? Boy, was I in for a big disappointment! Whilst the premise had potential (2 girly vamps, surviving in modern NY and abstaining from human blood, while trying to live 'normal' lives), the execution was dire - the acting was amateurish and I'm afraid that Alicia Silverstone is past the age of this kind of role - she acted more mature in "Clueless"! Sigourney must have cringed when she saw the finished result, she was given terrible material to work with and wasn't able to improve on it. Malcolm McDowell's cameo as Vlad Dracul was actually quite funny, but there wasn't enough of him to save the film. Dan Stevens as 'son of Van Helsing' just looked bewildered and sorry to be there, which I'm sure he was - this was not a good choice for a break-through role in Hollywood. Sincerely, don't waste your time - if you want a comedy vamp film, dig out "Love at First Bite" - if you want Sigourney being nasty, watch "Working Girl" - well, just watch ANYTHING other than this woeful mess!

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We don't drink…Mojitos.Clever vampire comedy, using the tropes of vampirism, intermingled with pop culture and modern technology, for the ipod age, set in NYC, has centuries-old vampire, Alicia Silverstone, and younger "bestie" Krystan Ritter (of Modern Family fame) trying to exist and maintain a level of secrecy within society, among humans, with a "stem" (Sigourney Weaver, an absolute blast) overcome by her overwhelming voracious appetite for human blood, her feasting becoming too out of control, certain to ruin any sort of anonymity successfully held over time. A stem is the "chief" vampire who feeds from certain humans, allowing those infected to live, "summoning" them when she so demands because of the control that comes with such power.Regarding plot, that's about it. This is more about Silverstone and Ritter's episodic adventures in NYC, with a wealth of talent in the cast, such as Wallace Shawn (My Dinner with Andre & The Princess Bride, reuniting with director Heckerling from Clueless (1995) as a Van Helsing, no less!), Dan Stevens (as Shawn's son, falling head over heels for Ritter, and vice versa), Malcolm McDowell (as Vlad the Impaler!), Richard Lewis (as an old love of Silverstone's from the 70s), Kristen Johnson (Shawn's wife and Stevens' mother), Kak Orth (as Renfield, quite buddy-buddy with our leading ladies, always hoping they will turn him vampire) and Justin Kirk (as Vadim, a Ukrainian vampire always mistaken as Russian, much to his chagrin).Weaver just gets lost in her part as a self-absorbed diva, totally irresponsible when it comes to not calling attention to "her kind", and her inability (she just doesn't care, to tell you the truth) to cease from drinking human blood (Silverstone and Ritter, along with many others attending a "Sanguinary Anonymous" meetings, feed from rats!) is becoming a nuisance to all vampires who want to co-exist with their mortal counterparts in the big city. Silverstone's adorable and recalls her old part as that cute (but pampered and oblivious to the hardships of the common man due to her affluence) princess in Clueless, except this time here she's an older woman in a lovely thirty-year old's body, from before "progress" and technology revolutionized America, living through it all and seeing such drastic change while generations lived and died, but unable, it seems, to keep up with the speed of the technological advancements such as computers and iphones.There's a sense of Sex & the City fashion, with clubbing, importance in looking your best, and that search for romance here in the film, but Vamps has vampires occupying the city and follows how they inhabit the night-to-night (they can't very well inhabit "day-to-day", now can they?) social scene. While I love Silverstone in the film, Ritter is the real surprise as a zesty, fun, spirited, energetic, very sexy gal-pal totally involved in the happening night activities and social networking, her relationship with Stevens disrupting the usual animosity between vampire hunter Van Helsing and bloodsucking Nosferatu. Heckerling loves to have Silverstone nostalgically looking back in the past with an affection no longer felt in the current time she lives, pining for when life moved at a slower pace. Old movies and 80s references find their way often into this vamp comedy, much appreciated by me. It was nice to see Silverstone again with a comedy centered around her, even if she had to share the spotlight with the eye candy Ritter. NYC comes alive (well, mostly Detroit filling in for NYC) thanks to Heckerling's direction, and the film can be a bit violent (however, the CGI is terrible, especially Weaver's "chainsaw incident", along with a head on the skeletal remains of Ulysses Grant (!) coming after Wallace Shawn), containing dialogue in tune with the times (and characters).The rat blood drinking is equal parts off-putting and absurdly comical. McDowell as a rehabilitated Vlad Tepish, and a voice of comfort to Silverstone and Ritter because of his experience as a vampire "down through the ages", is another brilliant piece of casting. The eclipse allowing the vampires to escape required day time commitments as "registered citizens" (jury duty, meeting with the IRS, etc.) by using ACLU attorney Lewis (who discovers that his former flame, Silverstone, is a vamp when she interrupts a robbery in a music store) accompanying them in order to help is also a really nicely cunning piece of comedy. The vampire tropes (garlic, crucifix, stake through the heart, thirst for human blood, etc.) are all gleefully usurped by Heckerling, especially when Silverstone and Ritter must inform the Van Helsings that they have it all wrong when it comes to successfully harming the undead. I have to admit this is probably about as guilty pleasure to me as possible because when you say "Sex and the City" to me, I cringe, but because I have a soft spot for Silverstone (and now Ritter), this was more easy to digest and enjoy.

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