Aaron's Way
Aaron's Way
| 09 March 1988 (USA)
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    Good idea lost in the noise


    Excellent, a Must See


    I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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    One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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    I agree with the last review of this series. Besides the messages it portrayed it was a very light hearted and often funny show. Every show does not have to be full of blood and explosions to be good. I believe this show died not due to ratings but due to a writers strike which occurred during the time that it was showing. I wish Netflix or someone would either bring this show to DVD or instant play. Netflix should also consider reviving this show and add it to the others such as House of Cards, Orange Is The New black, etc. It was and still could be a great family show. two of my favorite scenes involve Aaron dealing with boys who become interested in his daughters and another involving a hot air balloon.

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    I have always wished that the Aaron's Way series had continued, as each episode seemed to inject a spiritual awareness that is so lacking and so very needed in our society!! I haven't seen any of the Aaron's Way episodes since they first aired almost 20 years ago, but I thought that series was Michael Landon's best production, and I am writing this comment as a part of my search in trying/hoping to locate DVD's of the Aaron's Way episodes. Apparently by tying a particular religion (e.g., Amish) to a T.V. series, people seem to reject it no matter how good it is. I also heard that since the main actor was a well-known football player, it was too hard for people to imagine him in the role he played. But I would implore anyone to shed their prejudices and open their hearts and minds to the Aaron's Way messages, they can really make the spirit grow! And I hope someone will lead me to where I can get them on DVD!!

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