| 02 April 2000 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2000 | 5 Episodes

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    This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.


    Better Late Then Never


    I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.

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    I am really disappointed that the WB's DC went off the air. Especially when they continue to make new episodes of 7th Heaven (How many moral lessons can one family learn?) It was a really good show i thought, from the maybe five episodes that ever aired. I don't know why it didn't catch on. Well, I'll go now and cry for a while.PS (Almost made me want to become a politician.....almost)

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    As someone who has lived in DC since 1991 and is a few years older than the show's characters, I have to say this show is so bad it's good. There ARE 22-year-olds here as delusionally high on themselves as the people on this show, so I found it hilarious. It's kind of a "90210" in DC -- complete with fraternal twins. I particularly liked the episode where Lewis is defending his cousin in court -- Daniel Sunjata is a realistic actor and he handled this script well, he had to play every emotion for that role. Mark-Paul Gosselaar is amusing as Pete Komisky -- he seemed to be playing a sexually active Zack Morris though. This was the one show that made DC seem exciting for young people to live and work in (which it is) -- all other DC-based shows are staid political dramas involving the president. It is refreshing to see a show all about DC that barely spoke of the White House and instead about all the other people that make up this city, and it acknowledged it has a high rate of shootings, etc. It had potential -- sorry to see it go!!

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    Many Real Worlders no doubt recognize Jacinda Barrett (London) even though her Aussie accent is virtually gone. And who can forget Mark-Paul Gosselaar from Saved By the Bell!As for the show... question marks(???) loom ahead on whether it'll just be another midseason statistic. The show tends to pander to the preppie 20 something demographic when in reality they make-up a small portion of Gen-Xers. Perhaps the producers should throw in one "normal" kid who doesn't have a mile long sheet of accomplishments at 22, wealthy parents, 5.0 GPA, etc.

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    West Wing lite. MTV D.C. If the choice between Al Gore and George W. Bush hasn't throughly depressed you about the future of the Republic, this will - a profoundly glib drama about a group of great looking twentysomethings working and partying in our nations capital. Created by Dick Wolf (Law and order) and John August (Go) this series with its dry policy discussions and glistening young bodies, plays like C-Span After Dark.

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