Hello Ladies
Hello Ladies
TV-MA | 29 September 2013 (USA)

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  • Season 1 : 2013 | 8 Episodes

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    Load of rubbish!!


    I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.

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    Brennan Camacho

    Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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    Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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    a comedy that grew on me as it evolved, just watched the season finale, a bit clichéd, but it was funny. the song at the end is haunting me as I know it but cant place the name maybe a 10cc song ??I can see it that in the end, he finds that she is the one he's been looking for all along etc.. funniest line in the finale-the guy in the wheelchair outside the club "you gonna be long as its cold and I cant feel my legs" :)I look forward to season 2, and more from Stuart Pritchard ! Stephen Merchants writing is top class, - i'm hoping for good things. once again we see British comedy coming to the forefront !

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    Thom Hollyer

    I didn't expect to like this show, not having been blown away my Merchants stand-up special of the same name, but there's something oddly amusing about the way in which the very British awkward/slapstick humour is written into an LA setting, resplendent with all the nose-turning vacuosity that may be familiar to any Curb Your Enthusiasm watchers.The two 'friends' Merchants character takes along for the ride are both well written and serve as polar opposites as each other, creating 3 very separate male roles whose comedic chemistry works excellently. Moreover, Christine Woods' female lead is endearing without being too sentimental or kooky, setting her apart from current sitcom tropes.Unfortunately the show is let down by its lack of clear motivation. I'm never sure if Stuart Pritchard is meant to be likable and we're supposed to feel sorry for him, given that most of the time when he ends up alone it's through his own shallow idiocy. On top of this, the writers start to edge in a much over-used and unrealistic will they/won't they arc that just oozes cheese.

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    I love this show is awesome and hilarious. My husband and I are laughing the whole time. The show is put together very nice and so flawlessly. I haven't laughed this hard at TV.. since Married with children, in a long time. I recommend everybody with a different and smart humor and if you want to see great comedy the show is 100% a must see, with the show you can learn very good lesson in life and will probably be a big hit for HBO with more people seen it, I'm happy to see something different and Stephen Merchant is an intelligent performer and the cast is great. I'm looking forward to seeing all the episodes are better and better, the pool party was so hilarious I'm already waiting for tonight Hello Ladies!!! 7 stars.

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    As a disclaimer, I must first say that I have pretty much hated Gervais and Merchant after the cringingly mean-spirited "awkwardness" of the British version of The Office and this is just more of the same: 1. Potentially likable protagonist with some stingy or narcissistic tendencies gets into awkward situation due to these tendencies.2. Everyone around is either offended or overreacts in an implausible way.3. Protagonist tries to awkwardly talk his way out of it, inevitably making things worse.4. Protagonist and one or more closer friends convince themselves that everything will be all right but never address their root problems of selfishness and narcissism.

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