| 16 May 2005 (USA)
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  • Season 1 : 2005 | 2 Episodes

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    It is a performances centric movie


    I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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    A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.

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    Robert Joyner

    The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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    Granted the cgi could have been better, but what do you expect from a low-budget B-movie. It was made for television. If Lions Gate Films had gotten a big producer, then they could have done a better job because they would have had a larger budget. Personally I think the cast was right on. I say there should be an uncut version released because I first saw a piece of this film on TV and when I rented it to see it in it's entirety it had been cut and you could tell it. There were scenes on the TV version that weren't on the DVD version. An uncut version would be 3-4 hours long and would involve more labors I believe. With the exception of the low-budget and the short story-line, I really enjoyed the movie. Paul Telfer played an excellent role as Hercules. As I said earlier, a longer uncut version should be released and I believe that anyone who truly enjoys mythology would enjoy this movie. If I had the money, I would gladly produce a re-make of this film for the big-screen and cast Paul Telfer as Hercules. So if you're the pessimistic type, there's about a 50/50 chance that you'll like this movie. If you're a true movie buff who understands that low-budget films don't have as great of special effects as big-screen blockbusters, then I think this movie is enjoyable.

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    I saw this movie as a part of the Scifi channel two part-four hour mini series and I must admit that I stayed up the second night to catch the second half. Like most other commentators, I must agree that it wasn't an Emmy award winning show or anything, however it was entertaining and light in spirit. The speeches that Hercules made were at times a bit too...how do I say...overwrought and cliché at times, but that can be forgiven because it's a made for TV movie. Another complain I had was that the older Hercules (Paul Telfer) was not a very good actor and his emotional scenes were really awkward to me. In any case, he was good eye candy. Overall I gave this series 7 stars just because I was kind of excited to see the second half of it and because I enjoyed the humanity of the drama that unfolded. There were no divine interventions (except one, but that's debate-able) and most of the excitement came from intrigue and plotting. Pretty cool take on a Greek myth.

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    I loved this movie and it will just keep surprising you! Leelee Sobieski and Paul Telfer light up the TV and the rest of the casting is amazing. Lynn Kressel, the caster of this also gets 2 + thumbs up!If you like Myth type movies, this is definitely something you are going to like! If you like these type of movies, you may want to check out other movies by Roger Young. He has directed movies/shows such as Moses, Dracula, and Jesus. Another reason to see this movie is to learn about the supposed story of Hercules. It also has great actors and actresses. I am one of the toughest movie raters ever and this one I give 2 + thumbs up!! The makeup, animations, costumes and more were all amazing. The crew for this movie did an excellent job! Grab some popcorn and sit down and relax with this amazing movie!

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    Charles Herold (cherold)

    My guess would be this was originally going to be at least two parts, and thus at least a quarter longer, because otherwise how can one explain its confused, abbreviated storyline. I was never completely lost, but I was often partially lost and usually unclear on character motivation. The movie feels as though joining plot points were dropped to squeeze it into its time slot.If it were longer, it might make more sense, but it still wouldn't be much good. The movie's most interesting idea is of the war between Zeus and Hera as being a war between the male and female, but the movie drops the ball on this, making Hera's followers fairly horrible while not being clear on what Zeus' followers do or believe. The movie is also interesting because you don't see the gods and there's no real certainty that they exist. So it's got a couple of intriguing ideas, but it doesn't do anything useful with them.Bad dialog, cardboard characters, and one interesting scene involving Hercules and his three antagonistic sons. Not unwatchable but also not worth watching.

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