Life Unexpected
Life Unexpected
TV-PG | 18 January 2010 (USA)
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  • Season 2 : 2010 | 13 Episodes

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    Instant Favorite.


    This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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    Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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    Mehdi Hoffman

    There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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    The daughter Lux runs away from everything and can't have a normal conversation without acting self righteous and childish it just really bugged me that character existed! Her mom is no different! She allowed her daughter to treat her any ole way. Not appealing for a mother to have no back bone or any type of correction. Otherwise, I loved all the other characters.

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    mark palmos

    I am not surprised this show got shut down after two years. It has great potential but has several major problems.1/ relying way too much on the often implausible hiding of truth is frustrating when there is so much potential with some good plot line... a but of an easy option for creating tension.2/ the story line skirts between cheap daytime TV soap drama and some insightful moments. 3/ the characters flip between being idiotic, pouting morons and offering poignant vignettes... all very frustrating.4/ nobody EVER kisses Lux... this is extremely weird, what kind of family is that, that do not kiss each other??? very odd and utterly unnatural.Pity, it had potential. And BOOO to CBS for pulling it before things resolved, only 6 weeks before the season end.

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    Just finished the whole series on DVD and have to say it wasn't worth the time. Teenager Lux who has been in foster care finds her birth parents. The first season drags. Then the end of the second season is melodramatic and rushed to a quick ending to tie things up when they knew the series was going to be cancelled.There isn't enough humor. Lux annoyingly gets into silly messes and comes across and ungrateful and irritating. Now and then they deal with the issues of foster care but it's not very interestingly done.Britt Robertson (Lux) is sweet has luckily gone on to Secret Circle which is a better show. Shiri Appleby (Cate) isn't suited to the role as Lux's mother and comes across and difficult and self destructive like her daughter. That's why the happy ending tacked on doesn't gel. Kerr Smith as Ryan, Cate's love interest hasn't had an easy time finding roles after leaving Dawson's creek - the problem with playing gay characters. He looks a little worried throughout and his character's storyline is strange and haphazard. Kristoffer Polaha is quite suited to his role as Base, Lux's bar owner father who has to grow up and face his responsibilities. The other characters are annoying like Emma and Nate's father.Don't know why so many shows (like this and Pretty Little Liars) are featuring kids in love with their teachers. Surely it's not a good example for young girls to emulate.Overall a waste of time.

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    I love this show. Kris will be Baze for me unless I get the satisfaction of the unfolding of this refreshing, unique series with appropriate closure. This calls for more seasons. I understand Kris has been signed by CBS. I cannot bear to watch him as any one except Baze for now. You are cheating the fans in the USA and around the world if you cancel Lux. Since I am very selective in what I view, I am an unforgiving fan. I am loyal to this story. It's worth being told and it deserves to be told.Lux has made an international mark, I think has been very underestimated by the network. There are viewers in countries that wait to watch Lux until the sub-titles are added to the episodes by volunteers (about a week). How do you account for all those viewers. I have been trying to help them find places to leave opinions and encouraging them about writing in English. I will share this link because they can just vote. Thanks for listening. Go LUX, international ambassador.

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