Pig Goat Banana Cricket
Pig Goat Banana Cricket
TV-PG | 16 July 2015 (USA)

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  • Season 2 : 2016 | 14 Episodes

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    Very well executed


    I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.

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    The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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    Micah Lloyd

    Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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    CatDogis one of the m-o-s-t stupidest tv series ever made! This this show! ITS AMAZING! The acting is superb! The mouth movements actually sync in with what the actors are saying! The animation is brilliant! and the characters are much,much,much better than that stupid CatDog and even better than that crap known as Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs: The TV Series!

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    I can't believe everyone here saying that Harvey Beaks is a good show, it tries to be serious but it just ends up being stupid. It's a total rip off of Cartoon Network's shows that are ACTUALLY SERIOUS (ie Adventure Time, Steven Universe). Meanwhile, Pig Goat Banana Cricket is a cool show with wicked animation and awesome characters (Goat is my favorite), it's really silly and funny. I don't get how people could say that that idiotic show Harvey Beaks is better than this show. At least PGBC is unique. Also, even though it h a strong a bit of toilet humor, so does Harvey Beaks. I'm not even going to mention Breadwinners or Sanjay and Craig. I love how Goat is sassy (and NOT considered bossy like girls are usually seen as), and I like that even though Cricket has a crush on her,she isn't just used as a love interest. What more can I say?

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    Daniel Dell

    Nickelodeon was already improving by green-lighting Harvey Beaks, AND giving SpongeBob a 10th season, but now they prove that they can make a show worse than Breadwinners. Fanboy and Chum Chum would've been the worst Nickelodeon show ever, until THAT spot went to Breadwinners, and now THIS??!! I cannot believe this. Pig Goat Banana Cricket is a pain in the ass. I've just already seen the first episode of this damn thing, and I swear to got, it was too drugged up. It even felt like an insult to the cartoons of the 1930s. Pig Goat Banana Cricket is nowadays the WORST Nickelodeon show ever!! Is this something worth watching?! NO!!! Harvey Beaks is way better than this, and that doesn't have butt jokes (well, sometimes it does, but not as much as Breadwinners). I'm done with this crap. I never want to see Pig Goat Banana Cricket on TV ever again.

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    Benjamin Fenty

    In the episode, Fudge-pocalypse, our main characters try to survive an epidemic they started in the beginning of the episode. The story is really weak because we've seen this plot done before in animation (i.e. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs). The jokes are not funny and a the jokes they could've used for the character Banana in this episode are missed opportunities. Speaking of the characters, they offer nothing to like and come across as bland and/or annoying. Pig is Chowder from the Cartoon Network show of the same name as he'll eat anything and is a total scatterbrain. Goat is a bland character with no personality of her own, and serves as the love interest to Cricket. Banana is full of himself and that's all his character is; nothing more nothing less. Last but not least there's Cricket, who's an inventor and has a crush on Goat because potatoes. This show's worst aspect has got to be the animation; it's hideous and all around disgusting. I don't recommend this to children, especially to those with weak stomachs.

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