Spider-Man Unlimited
Spider-Man Unlimited
TV-Y7 | 02 October 1999 (USA)

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  • Season 1 : 1999 | 13 Episodes

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    Very Cool!!!


    Am I Missing Something?


    A Brilliant Conflict


    It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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    Spider-Man travels to Counter-Earth to rescue an Terran shuttle crew trapped there and discovers a tyrannical & warped version of his world. Although it's nowhere near as good as the classic 1994 Series it's for sure way better than the 1981 Series that was pretty cheesy. The iconic theme can be heard in the early beginning of the very first episode for around 10 seconds and there are some references to the 1994 TV Series threw out some episodes, Venom and Carnage also makes a lot of appearances in some episodes and their design was pretty cool especially Venom, the new suit of Spider-man is really cool and i love the fact that he can turn invisible most of the time. As for flaws i wish that some characters had a bit more screen time so we could hold on with them, the new versions of Kraven, Vulture and Goblin were decent especially Goblin who is more of a hero in this one. The cliffhanger left me excited but unfortunately a Season 2 never happened this is nowhere near as bad as some reviews are making out to sound like it had some pretty good action and some of the stories were pretty interesting but if the script was a bit more entertaining and the villains were a bit more interesting i think that people would have loved it more it's not a perfect show but then again nothing is really perfect. (A-)

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    great atmosphere, it has this noir-scyfi-cyberpunk story and art very well made, even the music transport you to this kind of dystopian future. one of , in my opinion, most memorable spiderman versions. the story is darker than the usual cartoons and is very mature.10/10 for the artists and the writersalso it has some kind of social critic "animals (in this case "bestials") doing experiments on humans" now how it looks unethical? what that makes you remember? the supporting characthers have great stories besides them , git hoskins, the green globin, dr.naoko... all with their very own personalities and mysterious pasts. this story absorbs you with the narrating ,the music , and distopyan scenario.

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    Gabriel Hendricks

    SPOILERS! i started watching this with a "MAN! IS THIS GONNA SUCK!" mentality. but in all honesty..it isn't as bad as i thought. now, this isn't to say that it is a masterpiece of Saturday morning cartooning. cause its not. it has a few small plot holes, its far-fetched, and the bad guys seem to think that dressing up like a rainbow is menacing. and venom and carnage.......what did they do to you???? however, the animation (besides the colors) is good, spiderman actually made me laugh from time to time, and the overall plot line, tho far-fetched, works. It deserved a second season...but i guess it couldn't stand up to pokemon. oh well, its good for what its worth.

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    As with alot of people, I liked the first episode of this show, not great but not awful. Mentioned Uncle Ben,with importance to his origin , featured Nick Fury and J Jonah Jameson, even Mr Fantastic aka Reed Richards got a mention. Spider-man's famous red and blue costume even got a glimpse, and looked great, even including the netting ( a triangular piece of net like material ) which was present in Steve Ditko's design, though not used by some artists nowadays, but not the Fox cartoon. Then he gets to the planet, and we get to see the rubbish designs for animal humanoids, and it sucks from the first glimpse. The jokes spidey ( or whoever this imposter is, since he ain't no spidey) makes are lame. I don't blame the voice artist, just the script. Next come the design of the characters. Spidey's new costume is dumb, just a copy of the Spider-man 2099 comic book costume. Some of the characters are just plain boring, such as a guy in bandages, where an episode is dedicated to him and how he became that way. There are riffs on other characters, but they don't even try to hide it, like a Green Goblin character who is supposed to be an anti-hero. Over all, not good at all and deserved to be cancelled.

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