Restaurant Stakeout
Restaurant Stakeout
| 12 March 2012 (USA)

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    Casey Duggan

    It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny

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    Edison Witt

    The first must-see film of the year.

    Lachlan Coulson

    This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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    Sarita Rafferty

    There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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    Willie claims to be all about customer service in "his" restaurants... Well people who go to restaurants are called GUESTS, he calls them customers. Extremely poor restaurant etiquette Willie. This show takes ignorance to a new level. Tony Soprano would be a better host. Not a Tony wanna be.It is pretty funny how all the problems the owner claims he has in his restaurant happens during the filming of the shower. What perfect timing huh? LAME. Most of these owners should not be in the business in the first place. You give up all qualities of life when you enter the restaurant industry, especially as an owner, so having this fake reality show hosts come in for a little hidden camera action will NOT make your life better and will NOT give your family life back to you. As they say, if you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen

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    You could make a drinking game out of how many times Willie says "right?" and I've worked in restaurants for 15 years, though drama and crazy things happen, its obviously fake, and like someone above me said--the "hidden" Mic's sure do pick up a lot of clear sound.....The camera angles also just so happen to be perfectly on whatever is going on in the restaurant. But seriously do they have a hidden Mic at every table? And why does this review require 10 lines, that is all I wanted to type... Hmmm OK also the show Mystery Diners is fake, I was watching and saw a friend on it. He had to audition for the part. Much like this show, I'm sure.

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    1) Willie is Awful! 2) So much repetition. Saying the same thing over and over. 3) Just saw the Liberty Bar and Grill. The owner tells Willie she only is there for 35 hours a week. Not ONCE she say why she wasn't there much. She said this and that, gym.... Nothing basically. He didn't push it. 4) At least other fake shows put in half an effort to make it Seem like it's real. 5) One thing that pisses me off is that near the end of each show when Willie comes into the restaurant there is obviously two cameras filming. NOT ONCE before he walks in does anybody in any episode look around and say anything about the cameras. 6) And have you ever noticed how in every episode, the sound is always really good no matter where somebody is speaking? With "hidden" mics it would Never be so clear. Gosh it's almost like they were using professional mics used to narrow sound and cut out background noise. Now golly how can that be, if that were true people would see them. Well Garsh I canz figurs it out!! Bottom line is somebody thought they could throw in crap next to a good show Rest. Impos. and it would come up roses. Sorry but it just make RI stink more.

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    This show seemed interesting to me, and I tuned in for the first episode. As I watched, the premise seemed legit, but the production made it seem mostly set up, however I really liked the actual set ups he did sending in people to be "bad customers" to test the staff, except that the waitress Dainel was so over the top it was just unbelievable, especially When she tried to make out with another employee, Totally ignored a customer with a hand up to the face and then flung a drink at a customer, was fired and "conveniently" not there for the "Staff Meeting" the next day, and the speech Willie Degel gives is so obviously edited between voiced over and actually filmed I laughed. And all the blurred out faces, even from staff, made the whole thing feel staged. I have not seen episode #2, but I did Watch Episode #3 the Mt. Ivy Cafe tonight. Everything seemed more real, Degel had the owner watching the whole time with him, Of course you need some drama in a show and that's what these type of shows are supposed to do, but the newly hired waiter, who at first I was like, "well he's new, hasn't been trained right" messing up things like a rookie would, Then Right at the end he get's fired for saying the owner said it was okay for him to have a drink, when she didn't, blah blah, he's FIRED, and not there for the "Staff Meeting" the next morning. Degel's speech at the meeting is a lot better then the obvious voice overs in the first episode, but I still wonder how much is scripted, and I don't think any of it needs to be. Sending a large party in 20 mins to close on purpose, what does the waiter do when his customer forgets his wallet, or seeing how they react when a customer changes their mind over and over, I love it, That part is great, and feels more real then some of the drama that feels so fake it ruins the rest of the show.I will watch this show again, but mostly to see if it gets more fake or more real, and there's always Restaurant Impossible, that's real, Degel might wanna take notes if he wants this show to continue.

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