TV-14 | 26 September 1998 (USA)
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  • Season 4 : 2001 | 22 Episodes

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    Kattiera Nana

    I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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    Absolutely amazing


    I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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    Teddie Blake

    The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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    Johny Loh

    First,this TV show is one of the best TV shows ever.Couz there is mixed comedy and action and the great character of beautiful and lethal Vallery Irons.Pam really did a good acting and she was all in the character.Also all the other actors in this show making it even more special.There is a lot of fun,a lot of action,and if you start watching it you can't stop.:-) The story of V.I.P. is also created very well and it makes you feel that things like that really happens in the real world.I am just very very very sorry because there is just first serial of this great show made on DVD.I really hope that it will be and the other 3 serials on DVD soon because the V.I.P. have a lot of fun's and people would buy those DVD's.I would!:-)

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    I'm reading this forum and seeing all the bashing going on about the show. the comments are mostly negative, saying "its brainless, it's stupid, the acting is bad" or "the story lines are over the top", etc. guys, come on!! it's meant to be that way! it's making fun of everything that is Hollywood: the people, the plot lines, etc. it is not meant to be taken seriously. there have even been interviews where pam (not a fan, but like the show) said its a spoof! it makes fun of how everyone in Hollywood is good-looking, has had some form of plastic surgery, etc. it makes fun of the crazy plots! it just takes it a step or two to the extreme! live a little! stop thinking it is the west wing, law and order, and csi! remember, IT'S A SPOOF! it's meant to be over-the-top!

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    This show got some of the worst reviews that I have ever read, but it is one of my guilty pleasures. Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert did a show on Sneak Previews once called Guilty Pleasures, in this show they talked about movies that they were almost embarassed to admit that they liked. VIP is one of my guilty pleasures, I like to think that I am an intelligent person, I am a college graduate and have traveled all over the world in my military career, but I really loved watching the exploits of "the beautiful and lethal Vallery Irons!!!" People, this show was tongue in cheek and it was not meant to be taken seriously don't you realize that? Pamela Anderson is not the dumb bimbo people make her out to be, that is only the part she played. She is very intelligent and in fact was one of VIPs creators. She is a loving mother of two small children and needs all our prayers right now because she is battling a fatal liver disease. Pamela you brought me a lot of joy with your wonderful show and I wanted to thank you, forget about what all those other people have said. VIP was sort of like I Spy or The Man From Uncle. It took us into a world of glamour and excitement and it threw a lot of humor in along the way! Just relax and have a good time. I admit, Val was a ditz, but her heart was always in the right place.

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    Before I comment on the show lets get my credentials out of the way. I recently graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and a minor in Mathematics. I have also taken several film/arts courses because of my intense interest in them. I love art, but I am most familiar with film. There is nothing that I enjoy more than a thought-provoking movie. I understand film as art and I appreciate all the great directors (and I'm not talking Spielberg here). Color or B&W, old or new, domestic or foreign, it doesn't matter as long as the film is good. I'm not bragging here, but I'm trying to establish that I do have some intelligence before I get crucified for being an idiot that actually enjoys "VIP" from time to time. One of the things that upsets me is when people complain about a film being stupid when they don't even understand it. This happens with just about any non-conventional movie. However, the same thing can partly be said about "VIP." From most of the negative comments I can see that people are completely missing the point (not all the negative comments). Yes the show is ridiculous, unrealistic, predictable, and features one-dimensional characters, but does it ever pretend to be something better? NO IT DOES NOT. It never pretends that it is not any of the above. It wallows in its ridiculousness and embraces its one-dimensional characters. For those reasons, it will never be a great show, but it can be kind of fun.One comment I read complained about Pammy spying at night in a tight purple outfit and stiletto heels. The reviewer was really bothered by this and believed that it could never happen. Let's think about it... OF COURSE IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN! THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! Yes it is simple and silly, but don't miss the fact that that's the point. Would you also complain that Lt. Frank Drebin from the NAKED GUN doesn't really act like a very competent cop? Did the inflatable autopilot in AIRPLANE seem a little too "literal" to you? If so, then you are stupid. The quality of "VIP" and the show's humor cannot be compared to those great comedies, but "VIP" is in the same vein. There have been several witty moments in the series. Not genius, but witty.The characters are supposed to be one-dimensional. Every member of the VIP team has pretty much one characteristic and they just go with it. Is it redundant? Yes it is. But it also makes them into cartoon characters. Why would you watch the Road Runner cartoons many times? It's always the same thing, but it can still be fun. The cars, the colors, the outfits, and the people are all beautiful, but that's the show's style. IT IS NOT AN EXERCISE IN REALISM.Before I give the show too much credit, I do want to say that this is definitely nothing to admire. I think the show is decent if you have nothing else to watch and can be kind of fun. At the same time, there is always that tug of war going on in my brain between the intelligent me and the me who needs to stop thinking in order to enjoy the show. Because "VIP" is so one-dimensional, I don't get much satisfaction from it. The MTV-style editing can be kind of annoying. Everyone in the show is a walking arsenal of guns, but the only time they use them is to shoot other people's guns out of their hands (which is also kind of a funny thing). Everything comes down to hand to hand combat. And when they shoot those gorgeous vehicles, the bullets just bounce off. So all of these things get on my nerves, but they are kind of funny as well. It's all a part of the ridiculous nature of the show. The only time the show is really bad is when it abandons its nature. Anytime it tries to be serious or dramatic it becomes terrible. When the bodyguards actually believe that they are more important than the FBI or the cops, that's when the show is a little stupid. This would be fine if that belief was yet another joke, but the characters do appear to be a little too serious about what they are doing sometimes. Then again, even that can work well in contrast to Pammy's goofiness.The bottom line is there is nothing amazing about this show, but it can be fun in a "cartoonish" way. It does not satisfy in a large variety of ways, but "VIP" can be enjoyable if you are willing to accept its nature. The acting is one-dimensional because that is how it is supposed to be and as that, it is quite good. Pammy herself has never been better. If you look at "Baywatch" or BARB WIRE, there she is a weak actress because she is stretching for dramatic levels that she cannot reach. She is perfect in "VIP" and is very willing to mock herself. Let's not forget all of her great outfits since she does look real good. It's definitely one of the reasons why people watch. "VIP" is a perfectly acceptable show because it is not an insult to our intelligence. It comes straight out and says, "I'm incredibly stupid. If you want, enjoy my stupidity. If not, change the channel." It is infinitely better than a show like "Baywatch" where the melodrama is truly ridiculous and insulting and the acting is pure garbage (because people are trying to act in dramatic ways they cannot). "Baywatch" actually pretends to have a serious story and "VIP" does not. That's what makes it much better. And if you are getting angry about how stupid "VIP" is and how a girl in high-heels could never be a bodyguard, think for a moment. You may be missing the point.

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