Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
R | 16 March 2006 (USA)
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The next great psycho horror slasher has given a documentary crew exclusive access to his life as he plans his reign of terror over the sleepy town of Glen Echo, all the while deconstructing the conventions and archetypes of the horror genre for them.


Thanks for the memories!


it is the rare 'crazy' movie that actually has something to say.

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Stephan Hammond

It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Clarissa Mora

The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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I'll say this about the SPOILER, if you regularly watch slasher films, not a spoiler really. Like we all know James Bond beats the villains or their plot in every movie, we all know that most superheroes win in most films. So why does a potential genre redefining film follow the exact formula and shoehorn two unseen characters and an apparent "romance" in the end? Most likely we'll never know the answers to the question I posed. I however can tell you how the second half SHOULD have ended. The methodically planned out killing and slaughter? Should've all fallen apart hilariously yet gory and fun. The "Jock" should've been injury stricken with something like crutches and a leg cast, or pretending to be a jock but outed as a poser. Stoners should've lost their stash and turned out to be quite shockingly smart while lucid. Some of the victims should've either accidentally killed themselves or others. The car should've worked, but had missing parts, like the escaping survivors are pulled over for non functioning tail lights and arrested for the now found missing stoner stash. The "Ahab" should've been revealed as incompetent.The most unforgivable thing is obviously the chemistry and potential romance between the girl and the killer. The girl should've saved the killer from being killed by someone, or refused to finish the killer because she just couldn't. I feel that the Walking Dead's Scott Wilson should've revealed that his wife was a survivor that he just couldn't kill or fell in love with. "I set off my bear own trap, my mask fell off, she started to remove the trap, we looked into each other's eyes, and she metaphorically put me in a ball and chain. Been together ever since!" The age difference screamed that, right? You want a sequel and cult classic status? Sequel should've had the girl and Leslie together and had him continuing to "work" and the comical stresses and complications his career/hobby puts on the relationship.I mean if you put all that work into a mockumentary or comedic tone, pull the trigger and don't wuss out. Should've been the slasher version of "What We Do In The Shadows"! Spent most of the second half waiting for a better ending that never came... Watch "Miss December" instead of this. It's not a mockumentary, but definitely has a better payoff and ending!

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The outfits in this film don't match a college documentary looking stereotype wardrobe. And, yes, I'm aware they made this on a shoestring budget, and they weren't thinking about that. For instance, the red trim of the windows, that makes my point look obvious. What were these actors and actresses told by the director, that's what I want to know. Where they told to scream and act nuts, or was some of that improv. Pointless subplots hang around every corner in a film like this, and this is no exception. For example, the batteries ... who cares? Why put dead batteries in the flashlights in the first place, and not just remove them completely? This is truly behind the scenes to the making of "Behind The Mask." I don't know a lot about this film, as far as where they filmed it, but it already makes me what to say, C' on dude, a farmhouse setting, really? It's been done a thousand times before. What were these guys thinking? We are going to make some cool art and turn it in for an A. Essentially, all it is is a tour of a horror set, at least, in the beginning, and then tips on what goes into, and how to make a horror slasher film. This holds back from an absence of horror, and we see the masked scythe welding lunatic a lot throughout the film, gracing us with his pleasures. Like a reoccurring nightmare ride, you can't get rid of Leslie Vernon. This film directed by Scott Glosserman has something for everybody. The idea is good, and the cast is fun to hangout with. And after a certain period the film takes a turn from an actual student project to the real deal. This creates the much needed tension, the spice to the food, if you will. A different mood surfaces in us, a suspension of disbelief is born, not only in  viewers, but as well as in the people on screen. So there you have it. A film complete with melodrama, tension and suspense, perfectly placed, in some places by Glosserman, as if he was laying out objects for a still-life painting. Also, I should mention the custom design of Leslie Vernon worked, but had we not learned who he was and what his aim was, it would have been all the more macabre. Okay, I took that last bit from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I particularly enjoyed the effort of the crew. There references to Halloween, etc, that made the movie less serious, and gave good chuckle. This one was a little more hard core to handle though, opposed to Beetlejuice, or say A Werewolf in London, but I'm sure horror comedy fans would love it.

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Greetings from Lithuania."Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon" (2006) is an interesting take on slasher genre itself. It knows all the rules of genre and it mocks it - and it was done intriguingly and funny. But then by the end unfortunately it became same generic slasher it was targeting all the way. Acting was OK by supporting cast and really good by lead. It is not bloody - it is different kind of slasher.Overall, unfortunately "Behind the Mask" could have been really great if they would stay on the same path during the whole movie. It is a nice film, but could have been so much better.

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Dom Nickson

Spoiler Alert!!! This film had a very good idea about making a documentary about a serial killer who plans every move. However the way it was done out I found very boring and a little disappointed that there were very little actual killing scenes. There weren't very many on-screen kills featuring at least a sight of blood and gore. OK Look a slasher film shouldn't be filled with gore I'm just saying this film seemed to be missing all of it's gore. I think if it had just a tad bit more blood it would of been one of the most underrated slasher movie masterpieces since Scream. However since there was almost no blood or gore this movie could have easily been rated pg-13 because quite a lot of the kills were shown off-screen. The story was good but I think it needed a little bit more blood and gore because in this story it pretty much promises blood and gore which isn't true. I give it a 4 out of 10 because if it did add just a little bit more blood and gore I would be in love with this movie and possibly give it a 9 or a 10!

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