I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
View MoreThe first must-see film of the year.
Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
View MoreAmazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
View MoreLots of human error adds up to one colossal mess in this follow-up (rather than true sequel) to the 1976 film adaptation of H.G. Wells' "The Food of the Gods". A growth hormone, initially used on produce, is injected into one rat, and the effects spread to other rats, which all develop a taste for human flesh after they become giants. The monstrous rodents then terrorize a college campus.Almost all of the human characters are stupid beyond belief, so ones' instincts will be to side with the rats and enjoy watching these people become rat chow. Written by Richard Bennett & E. Kim Brewster, and directed by Damian Lee, "Food of the Gods II" is so uproariously idiotic that you have to believe that these filmmakers were definitely going for tongue in cheek. The dialogue is dumb, the characters are insipid, and the movie utterly devoid of anything resembling suspense. But the good news is that this is quite violent and gory, and people will laugh in appreciation and approval at the hideous demises on display. The music by Dennis Haines & Stephen W. Parsons is pretty absurd at times, adding to the comical feel.Among the highlights: a subplot about a giant kid (Sean Mitchell), a memorable nightmare sequence, and the riotous climax where the rats run amok during the grand opening of the colleges' brand spanking new sports complex, disrupting some synchronized swimming.Paul Coufos ("The Lost Empire", "Chopping Mall"), who somewhat resembles Jeff Fahey, makes the mistake of taking himself too seriously, while at least some of the others here know they're performing in utter schlock and deliver goofy performances (like that priceless janitor Zeke (David Koyle)). And the lovely Lisa Schrage, the villainess of "Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II", is on hand to play the leading lady. Prominent Canadian actors Colin Fox ("Daylight") and Jackie Burroughs ("The Dead Zone") are among the supporting cast.Quite entertaining, provided that you know what to expect and enjoy this sort of thing to begin with.Seven out of 10.
View MoreOkay, I can see where this film's current 3.2/10 is coming from. It's cheap, it's got way too many perverted and LSD-looking sex scenes that just make you want to say "what the hell?" and it doesn't follow the original film at all. But all that aside, I really enjoyed this film. There's a lot to laugh at throughout. There are a number of talented Canadian actors and actresses featured, like Frank Pellegrino who also acted in the 1997 TV film 'Welcome to Dead House'. The soundtrack is catchy and gives the film a distinctive Eighties atmosphere. The giant rats look surprisingly realistic, not at all what I was expecting (hey, at least they weren't digital CGI or wiener dogs in rat suits like in the 1982 flick 'Deadly Eyes'!) The Ontario scenery looked really far out. All in all, this film has some flaws, but I think it deserves a much better rep. There is evident effort put into it, and you can't fault it for that. Anyway, the point of films isn't to find some artistic vision, it's to watch them and have fun doing it, and this film is a lot of fun to watch.
View MoreA growth serum being experimented with on a college campus infects a pack of angry rats and typical carnage ensues. Belated sequel released a decade and a half after the original. Basically the two are not connected. Why producers felt the average original warranted a sequel years upon years later is beyond me, but here we go. The creature effects are not the greatest, but passable. There is a lot of blood thrown around in the attack scenes to keep things interesting, and the film is competently made. It's a basic view for the horror consumer and it's not all that bad. Originality is pretty minimal, but a tight pace keeps everything going. The stand-out scene perhaps is the rats attacking a swimming pool full of synchronized swimmers. The sex scene when the male partner grows to immense proportions is short, but also good. Dominated movie channels upon it's release years ago. Two And A Half Stars.
View MoreIn the first one it was mainly giant rats, but there were some wasps and a giant chicken too. This one, however, is just giant rats period, well giant rats and one really growing little boy. This one is about this growing boy and a scientist that is trying to help him so he accidentally creates giant killer rats...you know how it is. This movie has some kills and its moments, but I find it to be on par with the original, I just prefer some variety in my giant creature movies. Well, that is not true...I actually like "Empire of the Ants", maybe I just do not care for giant rodents. All in all a rather drab movie though it does have one rather odd turn of events in this one dream sequence that is truly bizarre. I just can't recommend this one.
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