Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
View MoreIt's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
View MoreThis film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
View MoreThe 3rd film in the Francis film series. I would judge this one to be less interesting than the next 2 installments. Our story begins ,not at West Point, but an atomic energy plant where Don is working and Francis hangs out. Francis tells Don about a sabotage to occur that night. The security forces are ready and nab the would be perpetrators. In reward, Don gets a recommendation to become a cadet at West Point.Early on, Don is last in his class in academics. Francis finds out and begins tutoring Don both in academics and field drills. Soon, he is near the top of his class.On the sidelines, Francis gives strategy advice to the football coach, who wonders where the voice comes from. Later, he finds out it comes from Francis, who continues to give him play advice.Don is accused of being married, with his wife pregnant(against regulations). If true, he will have to drop out. Don agrees he has a wife expecting a baby. He thinks he is protecting the star quarterback, but he has the truth garbled. Frances figures out what is going on and pleads with the commander to let Don stay. Francis also gives a locker room pep talk.Incidentally, while Don is doing punishment drills, the leader queries "What do you think you're doing? Walking your baby back home?" Interestingly, Don costarred in a musical comedy released the next year called "Walking My Baby Back Home"!
View MoreIt lacks the warmth found in the original film, but it is certainly funnier and has a better storyline than the second installment. Some audiences may be put off by the military setting considering that this film is supposed to be a light family film, but it does add some tensions to the story.Francis the Mule is not quite the center of attention (It is as though the film should be called "Peter Goes to West Point"), but his role is much more involved here than it was in the second film. In fact, the film shift the attention away from Peter Stirling to Francis towards the end of the film.On the whole, this film is worth your time whether or not you are a fan of the series.
View MoreAlthough I have always had a strong affection for the Francis pictures, probably because I grew up with them, I always found that the preponderance of military settings in the series was a little claustrophobic and cramped the potential for humour. (Consequently my favourites have always been Francis Goes to the Races and Francis Covers the Big Town). In Francis Goes to West Point I find this tendency to be at its most pronounced. Not only are we saddled with a military setting (and a confined one at that, so that there is not even the chance to open the story out a little), but as well as the usual mandatory romance between Peter Stirling and some Universal starlet, there is a another romantic subplot involving other cast members, and a hackneyed football sub-plot as well. For this reason I have always found this instalment the weakest in the series, an honour generally accorded to Francis in the Haunted House, but I'd take that over this any day. Pity that the opening scenes where Stirling saves a government plant from saboteurs didn't lead to some other kind of storyline.
View MoreThe third in the FRANCIS THE TALKING MULE series is yet another ordinary affair, with nothing much to recommend in it. The setting is military school, with Francis missing in action far too much of the time, as well as most of the laughs, apparently. The only thing interesting for me was spotting a very young Leonard Nimoy as a cadet late into the film. It's a shame that more entertainment was not accomplished with this formula, as Donald O'Connor and his jabbering jackass had the potential for being an entertaining pair together. ** out of ****
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