It Stains the Sands Red
It Stains the Sands Red
| 08 October 2016 (USA)
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In the throes of a zombie apocalypse, a troubled woman from Las Vegas with a dark past, finds herself stranded in the desert with a lone and ravenous zombie on her tail.


Best movie ever!


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Derry Herrera

Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.

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Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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I watched this at home (HBO, I think). Anyway, as soon as I discovered this was a zombie flick, I grabbed the remote and spun through the channels - nothing. Screw it, I decided to watch yet another goddamned zombie movie. So glad I did. The beginning, say the first 20 minutes, was nothing much. The zombie introduces itself and the next morning a Vegas stripper, Brittany Allen, is on the run...well actually she's just outpacing the clumsy zombie with a steady gait through the middle of the Mohave, all the while talking to the suit-and-tie clad walking corpse. There's a sand storm followed by a pretty graphic rape scene, but the movie picked up nicely after the stripper gets the zombie to pull his weight via a rope, an inflatable raft and a tire. Now, we got black humor. Now, we got something. After that, the flick just motors along nicely, and we discover that Brittany Allen can actually act! She spins flawlessly through a series of emotions right up to the final scene. Yeah, I still hate zombie movies, but this really wasn't one. This was a thriller/black comedy with a zombie as second banana.

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George Taylor

Everyone thinks they can make a zombie movie. Of these attempts, perhaps 10 percent are worth sitting through. This is in the other 90 percent. No logic to it at all, it has a very unlikable (and bad acting) main star, who one has to wonder, how did she make it in life this far, before the zombie apocalypse? No real reason is given for either how this zombie (who looks like an homage to the original cemetery zombie in Night of the Living Dead) keeps following her or how this shambling thing can sneak up on people? I won't give anything away but I will say the ending was as dumb as the rest of the movie.

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This film is underrated by many. There are many dark humor messages that not all appreciate but the same people would cringe at Night of the Living Dead- which became one of the greatest cult movie hits of all time, as corny as it is! Not only does the relationship of the dizzy blond lone survivor come together with the Zombie following her, you actually get the feeling there is, despite appearances, some bond taking place. I would comment on that relationship further but do not want to risk the zingers that develop at the end of their relationship. Other than some pretty far fetched contacts in the middle of nowhere, the setting lends itself to several twists between human or Zombie input to real natural forces that are all too possible "Out There". I think the role the of the chased, lost, lady in distress was perfectly cast and I think this actress is going places, even if into the hall of fame for Zombie movies. After all, you watched it because you love that type of movie so enjoy and it just fits a slightly different normal take. The end of the film seems also to hint at a follow-up and, hopefully, that will come.

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*Spoliers*******First of nice try, I mean really nice try. My only problem that made watching this hard work is that the zombie should R been dead contained within the first 5/10 minutes of being on screen. Any characters that fails to deal with a zombie that moves like that deserves to die. Or use as bait. Also hiding in a bath tub from something that has tracked you across a desert by the smell of your blood is not going to miss you hiding in a bathtub behind a shower curtain... Smell doesn't work that way. The intelligence of the main character is pitiful. Throw in some rape hicks for shock value and this honestly is the most stupid, shout out loud at the screen movie I have witnessed in many years. Then throw in a little romance/understanding/stuff happens moments with said zombie and that's it I'm done. I'm sorry for the spelling and grammar of this review but my mind and brain cells have been depleted by this movie. Some may like it, I could see why but I want my money back.. And I didn't pay to see it.

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