License to Steal
License to Steal
| 01 November 1990 (USA)
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Godenzi plays an acrobatic thief who, after taking part in an elaborate burglary, is double-crossed by her partner (Aurelio) and is captured by the police. On her release from prison, Godenzi discovers that her betrayer is now a highly influential criminal in the area and commands a posse of hired thugs. With a new partner by her side, Godenzi looks to avenge her imprisonment and steal the valuables her former partner had double-crossed her for.


Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.

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Agnes Aurelio is hot. She has a beautiful face and a killer body. Joyce Godenzi is pretty hot as well. Her best feature may be her large, expressive eyes. Both are terrific fighters, but what adds an extra dimension to their fight scenes in "License To Steal" is the psychological game that seems to be going on between their characters (who are sisters and professional thieves working together, until Aurelio betrays her partner and lets her get arrested): both are confident that they are the superior fighter, however the results so far have proved only Godenzi right. With this in mind, Godenzi keeps teasing Aurelio with her words and expressions, while Aurelio grows more and more frustrated that her obvious advantage in sheer power is not enough to make her overcome her rival. The comedy parts of the movie are sometimes amusing, but the action scenes are what make it worth watching. Yuen Biao is rather awkwardly inserted into the film, but you can forgive that when he gets to fight the hard-hitting Billy Chow. **1/2 out of 4.

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License To Steal is packed with great names from the Hong Kong movie industry. Joyce Godenzi, one of the coolest and most intense (and beautiful) fightin' females ever, as the good sister. Bodybuilding Agnes Aurelio as the bad sister. Yuen Biao as a half-deranged vigilante fancying himself a kung fu fightin' knight. Collin Chou - the guy with the looks, moves and cheerful disposition to have become another Jackie Chan or Jet Li - as the hotshot young police officer. Plenty of great fight scenes, and the plot - rivaling sister thieves -, while flimsy, is effective enough. Nothing boring here!Good old-fashioned modern-day Hong Kong kung fu action comedy. My rating: 8 out of 10. This oughtta be out on DVD.

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