The Titan Find
The Titan Find
R | 08 May 1985 (USA)
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A crew of scientists arrives on a far, cold planet to examine archaic artifacts of unknown origin. They discover that their German enemies already have a ship there. When they seek their help after a failed landing, they only find the Germans’ bodies, obviously slaughtered by one of the archaic creatures, awoken to new life. Now the alien is after them.


What makes it different from others?


Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Alien is a good movie. And yes it did come first. And yes this movie a lot like Alien. And it is an original story. And yes it may be true say if Alien had not been made and been has popular has it was this movie might have been made. But really this movie is faster past . It is scarier then Alien. It is better written. The acting is better. Alien is a great movie. But this is better. It is very unrated. Alien is not overrated.

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Dave from Ottawa

This is not a good film. It is however, a GREAT bad film, which explains why many reviewers who remember it fondly have given it higher ratings than it merits on its face value. The cast try hard, but other than Klaus Kinski, a great actor who can do creepy Germans in his sleep, nobody manages a performance that comes off as wholly authentic. The shrieky script plays at a daytime drama level. The model effects are anything but special. And most significant, nearly every plot device in the movie is ripped off from some other (much better) movie. The landing sequence is almost a shot by shot steal from Alien, the finding of the monster scene reminds the viewer immediately of the original version of The Thing, and other moments feel lifted from It! The Creature from Beyond Space. Story-wise there is little here we have not seen before.Yet, somehow the whole rises above its elements and manages to entertain anyway. The pacing is consistently brisk and the story doesn't lag, at least not after the first twenty minutes we spend with the crew. The gore effects are genuinely shocking. And the cheesy model effects are forgivable by anyone alive during the 80s. Pre-CGI has its nostalgic qualities. The movie's total lack of pretentiousness is actually a virtue. It's a b-movie with a hand me down plot which never tries to claim otherwise.

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A expedition to Titan uncovers an alien being that goes on a rampage.Director William Malone is considered one of the Masters of Horror. This is open to debate, and I think we can safely say that Malone is at least on the second tier -- he is not Wes Craven or John Carpenter and is probably not known to audiences outside the world of horror. His two best-known films are probably "House on Haunted Hill" (1999) and "FeardotCom" (2002), neither of which are classics by any stretch of the imagination."Creature" was his second attempt, following the largely-unknown "Scared to Death" (1981). He utilized his extensive collection of "Forbidden Planet" props, and hired the special effects crew of "Aliens". Some see this as a ripoff of "Alien", which is not really an insult if it is a good ripoff. Today, the film sits in the public domain and to truly appreciate it, you should watch the Malone-released uncut film under the title "The Titan Find".The best part of this film? Klaus Kinski makes an appearance about thirty minutes in.

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Jason Hitson

I give this film a "7" mainly based on sentimental value because it is one of the earliest sci fi movies that I remember distinctly from my younger years (this came out on video when I was about 10 years old). The main thing I remember was the opening scene where one of the astronauts gets eaten through the seat of his pants as he sits on the creature's pod or egg or whatever it is (not much of a spoiler, but there it is). This is another one of those movies hoping to capitalize on the success of Alien by Ridley Scott. It takes the formula from Alien then copies it almost directly at times (even the opening credit scene panning across a distant planet is almost identical though not as well done). What is produced in the end...well it's no Alien for sure, but I sort of like it. I have a fondness for low budget sci fi that tries to present a film way beyond its means. The costumes and sets are pretty good and really, overall, its a creepy story. Compared to other sci fi greats, it's not much, but taken on its own, it's a good late night weekend find that is at least more entertaining than what you might find on TV these days.

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