What Goes Up
What Goes Up
| 29 May 2009 (USA)
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Set in the mid-80s, when a reporter is sent to cover the Challenger Space Shuttle launch only to become mixed up in the lives of some local students.


Wonderful character development!


This is How Movies Should Be Made


Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

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I have a life-long history of falling in love with movies everyone else despised, and I am sad to say this movie has now been added to that lengthy list. "What Goes Up" was twelve kinds of wonderful. Maybe a moment or two, here and there, made me ask "why?" but not one of those moments took away from the brilliance of this movie. Steve Coogan is fantastic in everything he does, and he didn't slack off in this movie. Not to mention, every other actor in this film was equally tremendous. I love the "mystery" this film lead on with, and the fact that it didn't have to wrap up with a tedious voice-over explanation, it instead SHOWED us, and I appreciated that. Though some people grossly dislike being "left hanging" or feeling confused because they didn't understand an ending; I, however, love to be allowed to somewhat decide what I think happened.All that said--and the fact that Hillary Duff continues to be amazing despite those who claim otherwise--I hope everyone will give this gem a shot, and then be glad you did.

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I was really struck by this film. I won't rehash the plot as that has been done on numerous posts. But I would like to address the bafflingly low rating. I admit, under normal circumstances, I'd give the film an 8 because it does suffer from inconsistencies, but thought I should do my part to up the number. I'd hate for people who might completely groove with the film's strange rhythms to be dissuaded. Thanks to the guy who put up all those great quotes from the few critics who dug the movie. It's simply a movie that not everyone's going to love -- but some definitely will. Some say this film tried too hard. I really disagree. It concentrates on the human emotions between the characters and it does this very well, with humor and without straying into melodrama. Does it crowd in a whole bunch of other details like teen pregnancy and the Challenger shuttle and even shoplifting? You bet. But it deliberately lets those topics exist on their own. They are well trodden topics which we've all seen before and the movie lets them resonate without a whole lot of effort - so it is kind of the opposite of trying too hard. The film sets a mood, it doesn't tell a sweeping story. It fools you into thinking it's ripping off Juno - but it's so different and far better. I think if your a fan of Godard who liked to break up the calcified traditions of storytelling, you will dig What Goes Up.

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'What Goes Up' is set around the Challenger Space Shuttle Tragedy time frame in 1986, with the shuttle mishap as a backdrop. What the film actually revolves around, is a group of teenage rejects or in the words of the writer – 'The Unteachables' and Campbell Babbit (played by British comic Steve Coogan), a journalist, leaving behind his misfortunes in New York to arrive at the town of New Hampshire, where so much seems to be going on...For at the same time, Babbit's old college mate - Sam Calallucci has 'died under unfortunate circumstances' leaving behind a disoriented group of teenage students from a classroom called 'The Shed'. What Goes Up guides us along the journey of these misfits, who are falling apart, following the death of their Idol and somehow look up to Calalluci's supposed 'best friend' Babbit for support. Babbit, meanwhile is looking for redemption from certain false journalistic endeavors and a love affair gone awry, and tries to find it as he gets involved in the affairs of the shed.Okay, so may be this isn't the kind of movie that will have you at the edge of your seats, gripping you throughout its entire run. But what makes the movie special, are the beautiful moments that are scattered about the storyline and you can't help but be touched by them and feel for the characters involved! These moments come in bursts and they are funny and sad and plainly disturbing at times, but mostly – altogether Ironic... Irony! Now that's something portrayed amazingly in the movie!!! There are some pretty powerful performances delivered by the actors and some of them have done more than the justice to the beautiful characters built up by Jonathan Glatzer. Steeve Coogan playing the cynical, emotionally disturbed reporter shines throughout the movie. Hilary Duff as Lucy, the confused, perturbed, wannabe temptress is, in one word – AMAZING!!! Not only does she look stunningly beautiful in the movie, but she has clearly proved that she has talent (and I keep wondering why the critics keep denying that). She is still very young and I believe and hope that she has an awesome journey ahead of her in the film industry. Other performances worth mentioning among others are Olivia Thirlby as Tess and Josh Peck as Jim and these two captivate the viewers in each of their scenes. The episodes relating to Peggy, the wheel-chair ridden girl, touch the heart. However, Molly Shannon as Ms. Little, goes overboard and I felt, is clearly the least best part of the movie. The other characters from the shed are a bit lackluster and uninteresting too.Other factors that are impressing are the neat cinematography, the nice integration with the space shuttle tragedy, and specially worth a mention is the background score which seems catchy and likable.Personally, I feel that What Goes Up, in its run time, somehow finds a way into your heart, its characters, striking a chord somewhere to get you thinking! I would highly recommend this movie, not withstanding the ratings given above (which I'm sincerely appalled by!!!). Definitely worth a watch!

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I was privileged enough to see this film with one of the producers tonight in Las Vegas. I went with some trepidation as I had heard from my DIL, who's the producer's niece, that while she thought the first cut was good, it had some issues. And unfortunately, I am very critical when it comes to movies due to my writing background.I have to say I was truly amazed at the quirkiness and depth of this story. Yes, it did have some issues. There were places where I would have liked to have more in-depth characterization, there were places I thought the pacing was slow. The acting was good and dead on with what characters had on their plates. And in all honesty, this is the type of movie that comes out of the blue and ends up a cult favorite. It is that good in some strange way. Maybe part of this is because I can remember this week so well myself. I was just out of college and worked for Lockheed. We were on top of the world and it just came crashing down on us all that Thursday morning. I can't imagine having the whole week being that bad. LOL!Then again, maybe it's the part about being adult enough to understand when you've done something wrong yet there is no way to ever take it back. I remember this lesson well.Or maybe, it's just that the misfits are so true to life that I can empathize with what is going on in their lives. I know that I would have been devastated if my favorite teacher had died during my high school years no matter what the cause.Still, it would have been worse if said teacher had committed suicide. I was angsty enough then to have wondered if it were my fault in any way at all.Adding all these elements up, you have one heck of a story that can appeal to the masses. I have to say, I liked it.

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